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Glenn Beck Is Going To Write A Contemporary History Book About How America Was Lost ... By Not Electing Ted Cruz

Glenn Beck spent most of his radio program yesterday freaking out(link is external) about criticism(link is external) of anti-LGBT laws in states like North Carolina and Mississippi, as well as the supposed rise of Satanism in America(link is external), which prompted him to warn yet again(link is external) that this nation is engaged(link is external) in Moloch worship.

At one point, Beck declared that he is going to bring together a group of historians to help him write a contemporary history book so that when America is lost forever should we fail to elect Ted Cruz as president, there will be a true record of how this country imploded.

"I'm going to find some history professors," Beck said(link is external), and "we're going to write a history book of the last, probably, 50 or 60 years. Because, I'm telling you, the history of the last 20 years will all be gone; it's going to be written by the winners and I got news for you gang, this election is showing us &#8212 honestly, if Ted Cruz doesn't win, progressivism is the way forward and the country will be lost as we know it. We'll still be the United States of America, just not the way know it. We're going to have a different world and everything that happened will be distorted, capitalism will begin to look [like] it never worked, freedom never worked. Somebody has to document this and really document it well and put it on the shelves of every home."