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Glenn Beck: Grover Norquist Is A Deep-Cover Spy For The Muslim Brotherhood

On his radio program yesterday, as part of his crusade to get right-wing anti-tax activist Grover Norquist removed from the board of the National Rifle Association for supposedly being a front man for the Muslim Brotherhood, Glenn Beck interviewed the Family Research Council's Jerry Boykin, who is a longtime Norquist critic and anti-Islam activist.

Following the interview, Beck literally begged the NRA members in his audience to vote to remove Norquist from the organization's board, warning that this is the last chance to stop him.

"If this works, his empire really falls apart," Beck said. "If it doesn't, no one will ever touch him and his influence will expand and so will the Muslim Brotherhood, at the highest levels."

Beck then likened Norquist to the protagonists of the television show "The Americans," which is about deep-cover KGB spies in America during the Cold War, which he cited to praise the efforts of Joseph McCarthy.

While McCarthy was "wrong in presentation and he was the wrong messenger," Beck said, history as proven "that what McCarthy was saying was true." 

"If you watch that show 'The Americans,' that happened, that's true,' Beck declared. "Grover Norquist is the modern-day version of that KGB handler, if you will, whether he knows it or not. But the infiltration has happened and he's the doorway to it."