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Glenn Beck: Cruz Should 'Unsuspend' His Campaign Because Of Kasich's 'Dirty Tricks'

Glenn Beck kicked off his radio program yesterday by declaring that John Kasich was the "most despicable" of all the figures in the Republican presidential primary because he suddenly dropped out of the race only after Ted Cruz had already done so, thereby clearing the way for Donald Trump to win the nomination.

For weeks, Beck had been furious with Kasich and insisted that he was putting the entire nation at risk by not getting out of the race so that Cruz could go head-to-head with Trump and defeat him. For Kasich to now drop out only after Cruz had dropped out was proof to Beck that Kasich had cut some sort of deal either with Trump or with the GOP to stay in solely for the purpose of ensuring that Cruz could not win the nomination.

"All research shows" that if Kasich had dropped out earlier, "Cruz would have won," Beck asserted, despite the fact that Trump won the last seven primary states with over 50 percent of the vote. "This is clearly dirty tricks. They're not even trying to hide it ... If I were Ted Cruz, I would unsuspend my campaign today."