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Gingrich Urges America to Rediscover God

Considering that Newt Gingrich has already written a book called "Rediscovering God in America" and been featured in a movie of the same name, it only makes sense that he would also appear in person at a similarly named right-wing conference last week along with the likes of Mike Huckabee, David Barton, Oliver North, and Mat Staver.

The event was hosted by Lou Engle of The Call and Bruce Wilson has a good post and video explaining Engle's prophetic and apocalyptic activism and how this recent conference "showcased the rapid reconfiguration of the Christian right around the rising, highly militant but poorly understood charismatic wing of the new Christian right."

We've put together our own video of Engle's introduction in which he heaped praise upon Gingrich, followed by key excerpts of the former Speaker's remarks in which he called the ACLU a "hateful, anti-religious system designed to drive God out of America," proclaimed that we are "surrounded by paganism," and repeatedly stated that the most important job of every American is to turn those who are not yet saved toward Jesus Christ, followed finally by an Engle-led prayer for Gingrich in which he beseeched God to extend his "influence for righteousness in this nation, lay your supernatural hand of God upon him and deliver him from the evil schemes of the enemy":