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Gina Miller: We'll End Rape Culture When Women Stop Dressing Like Strumpets, Prostitutes, And Porn Stars

BarbWire's Gina Miller used her column today to respond to a piece on the Huffington Post asserting that what is needed is not a new nail polish for women that can detect the presence of date rape drugs in their drinks but rather a concerted effort toward "solutions to shifting rape culture where consent, on both sides, is seen as the norm."

Miller was decidely unimpressed by the supposed need to "stop blaming the victim [and] educate men on how not to rape" because the only real solution is to get our society to turn to Jesus ... plus, all those drunken sluts who are dressing like prostitutes are partially responsible for getting raped because they are sending mixed messages:

Why do you suppose that there might be a “blame the victim” mentality today?  Do women ever bear any responsibility for putting themselves in potentially dangerous places and situations, like drunken frat parties?  Do they bear no responsibility for the outrageous “fashions” they choose to wear nowadays, clothing that makes them look like prostitutes and porn “stars,” clothing that arguably feeds the “rape culture”?  Yes, we know that a man who sexually assaults a woman is always wrong, but why is it considered just fine for a woman to present herself in a hyper-sexual, sleazy way and then expect men to treat her with the dignity and honor she imagines she deserves?  The disconnect from reason is palpable.

To many on the Left, the answer to most problems is “education,” but what young man doesn’t already know that it’s wrong to sexually assault another person?  Who is unclear that “no” means “no”?  There again, can it be argued that a woman dressed like a strumpet, yet saying “no” to unwanted sexual advances, sends a mixed message?  Yes, I know it’s outrageous, but this is what our Godless culture has wrought.  There are a lot of bad people out there, and no amount of “education,” telling them it’s wrong (they already know this), will change their evil hearts.


[T]here will be no shifting of any rape culture by throwing money at more “rape culture awareness,” or telling young men that it’s wrong to rape, or holding colleges accountable, or not “blaming the victim.”  Our nation has turned its back on God.  We have kicked Him out of our schools and out of the public square.  We have raised several generations of Godless, self-centered, sex-obsessed kids, and the truth is that there can be no positive transformation of any sick culture without the saving power of the Spirit of God through Jesus Christ to change people’s hearts of stone into new hearts of flesh.