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Gina Miller: Trans Teenager's Supportive Mom 'Should Be Put In Prison For Aggravated Child Abuse'

BarbWire content editor and columnist Gina Miller wrote on her Facebook page on Saturday that the supportive mother of a transgender teenager who is facing discrimination from her New Jersey middle school is a “lunatic” who “should be put in prison for aggravated child abuse.”

This is par for the course for Miller, who recently posted an unintentionally hilarious column on BarbWire that warns that homosexuality is a demonic “cancer” that will ban Christianity.

Back in March and then in May, I told you about a new, brazen campaign by homofascist activists to target three southern states, Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas, with their aggressive push for the destruction of marriage and the creation of other special “rights” for sexual deviants. With the hellish support of homosexuality-lover Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) the militant homosexual movement is now on steroids, which makes them bolder than ever, bold enough to target conservative states with larger Christian populations.

Their deranged, multi-million-dollar program in the South continues, and this week here in Mississippi, homosexual activists descended on county courthouses in order to put into public record their “marriage” licenses from other states, since Mississippi still retains a bit of sanity and only recognizes marriage, not the counterfeiting of it.


The fast-spreading cancer of the militant homosexualist movement has now hit our southern states with a fury. The hour is late. We’re far beyond the point at which we should give a rip what the radical communist Left says about us. We should not care a whit when they call us foolish, mindless names as we tell the truth about their evil agenda. As I have said many times before, there are two camps in this world, the Lord’s camp and Satan’s camp. Each of us is in one or the other. There is no neutral camp—NONE. Therefore, we see the forces of what we call “the Left” aligned against the people of God, whether they be Christians or Jews. All the demented “leftist” campaigns in our world, whether they are of radical homosexualists, tyrannical environmentalists, wicked communists or demonic Islamists, are of the devil (did you get that, Right Wing Watch?).

Here in the United States the homofascists are waging a powerful war against Christianity. It is being conducted in our media and entertainment industries, our federal, state and local governments, our schools, our corporations—everywhere. These people lie about their goals. They claim to simply want “marriage equality,” but there is no such thing. Marriage is one thing only, the union of a man and a woman, and that’s all it could ever be, regardless of how many rogue federal judges illegally write bad law from the bench. The “marriage equality” ruse is part of their campaign to destroy the rights of Christians and others opposed to their agenda, because it would force society to accept, recognize, accommodate and even celebrate homosexual duos parading as “marriages,” or else.

This tiny minority of the population is being used as pawns by a larger power hell-bent on imposing tyranny over the people of the United States. The homosexuals aren’t the only ones being used in this way. The environmentalists are also on board the tyranny train, just in a slightly different area, the area of property rights and freedom of mobility and consumption. The whole “diversity” program is yet another part of the devil’s tyranny. I could go on.

As I said, the hour is late. We are quickly moving toward the very last days, and our nation is fast becoming Sodom West of the modern era. No good can come from this, only dark tyranny, and ultimately, the outlawing of Christianity. Don’t doubt it for a minute. That is where this leads. We must speak out against this movement, resist it while we still can, and most importantly, we must pray for the Lord to have mercy on this wayward, sinful nation.