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Gina Miller: 'Tenacious Sodomite Tools Of The Devil' Are On A 'Hellish Crusade To Establish A Dominant Sodom West'

BarbWire content editor Gina Miller thinks that the “satanic” gay rights movement is pretty close to winning marriage equality across the country, which she believes will lead to the complete annihilation of freedom.

If the Supreme Court strikes down state marriage bans, according to Miller, “we will be on the fast-track to tyranny” and it will “become illegal to oppose homosexual expression and counterfeit marriage in any way.”

“If the Court does this, it will effectively abolish the First Amendment of the United States Constitution,” Miller said. “Do not imagine for a minute that churches will be exempt. They won’t. These tenacious sodomite tools of the devil will not rest until even churches are forced to accommodate the slaves of the infamous crime against nature and nature’s God. Even then, they won’t stop their hellish crusade to establish a dominant Sodom West in these terrible last days.”

Chief Justice Moore’s noble stand notwithstanding, it may be too little, too late for freedom and marriage in the United States. For many years now, the foot soldiers of the militant homosexual movement have labored tirelessly to infiltrate all the institutions of our nation and spread their vile campaign to “mainstream” perverse sexual behavior in our nation. They have taken one Christian business after another to court to force the violation of conscience on these people who resist their evil efforts. They have injected their lying, pro-homosexual propaganda into public school curriculums all across the nation. They have portrayed in schools and media and entertainment products a false, positive picture of homosexual relationships. They have managed to get their men on court benches across the land and in positions of power in our federal, state and local governments. And because there has been very little push-back from anyone, they are succeeding.

I have repeatedly warned that the goal of this radical sexual anarchy movement is not what its members purport. It is not for “equality,” “anti-bullying” or legitimate “civil rights.” It is to abolish all public opposition to the in-your-face expression of homosexuality and related behaviors (like “transgenderism”) and the destruction of the meaning of marriage. This is a back door way to crush our God-given, constitutionally protected rights to freedom of religion, speech, conscience and association. The Godless Marxists who have infiltrated our nation’s power structure have long wanted to subdue the American people under the tyranny that is so common throughout the world and human history, yet the system our Founders put in place has been a strong bulwark against such oppression. In the militant homosexual movement, these budding tyrants have found the tool they need to destroy our freedoms through increments of judicial malfeasance, leading to bad law and regulation, such as non-discrimination dictates that protect sexual deviants at the expense of the real rights of the American people.

In danger are the freedoms of all Americans who oppose being forced to accommodate or participate in any aspect of homosexual expression and counterfeit marriage; however, it is mainly Christians who take a bold stand against this movement and the rest of the sin-laden rot that has infested our culture. That’s why I say it is chiefly the rights of Christians that are the target of this satanic movement, although anyone who opposes it stands to lose their God-given rights as well.

We are set to watch the Supreme Court possibly issue the “unquestionable” imposition of same-sex “marriage” on the United States. If that happens, we will be on the fast-track to tyranny. It will become illegal to oppose homosexual expression and counterfeit marriage in any way. If the Court does this, it will effectively abolish the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Do not imagine for a minute that churches will be exempt. They won’t. These tenacious sodomite tools of the devil will not rest until even churches are forced to accommodate the slaves of the infamous crime against nature and nature’s God. Even then, they won’t stop their hellish crusade to establish a dominant Sodom West in these terrible last days.