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Gina Miller Asks God To 'Stop Barack Obama' Before He Destroys America

Religious Right pundit Gina Miller writes in BarbWire today that President Obama is “a lawless enemy of the United States” and “part of God’s judgment on us.”

Before likening Obama to Adolf Hitler, Miller calls on God to stop the president: “Who will stop Barack Obama? Can he be stopped? I don’t believe he can, unless the Lord Himself stops him.”

How can anyone not see that Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) is an enemy of the United States? Many of us have been saying this for years now, because the signs are evident that this man does not like America and is actively working to tear down our constitutional foundations, our freedoms, our military, our energy sector, our borders, our medical and health insurance systems and American way of life. He has broken our laws and spit on the limits of his power at every turn, and yet the despicable media and his fellow-traveling, commie Democrats have spun and lied, “justifying” almost everything he and his administration have done. Where are the Republicans? I believe they are scared to death of him (those who aren’t leftist globalists themselves, anyway).

The American people understand that what Obama did is a purely evil, illegal thing, unleashing remorseless murderers on the world, while rescuing a likely Army deserter. What the American people understand is that Obama is a lawless enemy of the United States who deserves impeachment and removal from office, at the very least. With his treasonous actions, he is a clear and present danger to this nation and its people. He is a liar through and through, and although he may not understand how deeply he is hated by most of the American people, I’m certain he couldn’t care less about it.

Who will stop Barack Obama? Can he be stopped? I don’t believe he can, unless the Lord Himself stops him.

On the epigraph page before the Foreword of William Shirer’s 1959 book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, is a quote from Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch, Commander in Chief of the German Army from 1938 to 1941:

Hitler was the fate of Germany and this fate could not be stayed.

I believe the same is true of Barack Hussein Obama and the United States of America. The hideous departure of American society from a right and true moral foundation based on God’s precepts has brought us to where we are today, with social ills abounding. The explosion of sin in America, the cultivation of a piggish, indolent entitlement mentality, the embrace of violence-as-entertainment, the bloody ocean of baby-killing, the aggressive celebration of sodomy and the disdain for Christian wisdom and moderation have earned us God’s judgment on this cancerous nation. Obama and the many other thoroughly corrupt leaders are part of God’s judgment on us. We brought this on ourselves.

Dark and darker days are ahead.