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Generals International on Israel, The Oil Spill, And Demonic Vortexes

Yesterday, Cindy and Mike Jacobs of Generals International hosted a special webcast with Chuck Pierce on their website that focused primarily on explaining how the BP oil spill in the Gulf is due to President Obama's poor treatment of Israel. 

Jacobs explained that years ago Bob Jones prophesied that following the death of Oral Roberts, the Gulf Coast would be hit with an oil spill and two hurricanes.  Apparently that prophecy is now coming true and it is because God is angry with Obama's attitude toward Israel.  Chuck Piece agreed, but also noted that God had sent Hurricane Katrina because He was upset about the United States' treatment of Israel and He intended Katrina to be a "purifying wind," but the US failed to get the message "so now look at the gunk that's coming up on top of us":  

I should also point out that both Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce sponsored and participated in Janet Porter's May Day 2010 prayer rally.

Frankly, I have no idea what they are talking about in that above clip, but apparently the idea that the BP oil spill is God's punishment for our failure to properly support Israel is becoming an increasingly accepted explanation.

But, it turned out, the real purpose of the webcast was for Cindy and Mike Jacobs to ask for money.  Generals International has been having financial trouble lately but had recently been offered a $15,000 matching grant and desperately needs donors to give money so that they can take full advantage of it.  The only problem is that GI has been under attack from four vortexes of demons which have been preventing the financial resources they need from getting through to them:

Cindy Jacobs went on to recount a recent instance in which God knocked her out cold while she was on stage preaching so that he could give her a vision of armies to angels descending to earth on horseback, but I didn't record that because she said they would be putting the footage up on their website soon and I didn't want to ruin the surprise.  

Have I mentioned that Generals International is not some fringe group, but is actually a member of the Freedom Federation, the right-wing super-coalition that includes the Family Research Council, American Family Association, Concerned Women for America, Eagle Forum, Liberty Counsel, Traditional Values Coalition, Wallbuilders and dozens of others?