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Geller to Obama: Muhammad 'May Be Your Prophet But He's Not Mine'

Fresh from speaking at CPAC(link is external), Pamela Geller appeared yesterday on TruNews with End Times(link is external) fanatic(link is external) and(link is external) anti(link is external)-Obama(link is external) conspiracy(link is external) theorist(link is external) Rick Wiles where she implied that President Obama may be a Muslim.

She said that Obama’s speech(link is external) to the UN General Assembly, where he explicitly opposed blasphemy laws, actually was supportive of blasphemy laws and especially took issue with Obama’s line that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.”

Geller told Wiles that Obama needs to “chill” and that Muhammad “may be your prophet but he’s not mine.”

It was so deeply troubling and so disturbing when you had the President of the United States Barack Obama go before the UN after our embassies had been attacked and say ‘the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.’ Well first of all he’s not my prophet, so chill President of the United States you speak to everybody. He may be your prophet but he’s not mine. And then to use the weight of the United States to say you know violating the blasphemy laws is not the future, I think is pretty scary stuff, pretty scary stuff. I don’t care how they package it in the media, taking a steaming pile of dung and putting it in a Tiffany blue box with a little white ribbon, it is still dung.

Just today in her WorldNetDaily column(link is external), Geller called Obama an “Islamophile” and an “anti-Semite” who is “attempting to render parts of Jerusalem judenrein.”

She also told Wiles that Al Cardenas, the head of the American Conservative Union and the host of CPAC, met with her to discuss her complaints that the conference is “enforcing the Sharia(link is external).” Geller said that while Cardenas may not be part of the alleged Islamist takeover of CPAC(link is external), ACU board members(link is external) Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan are “absolutely” allies of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Geller: Al Cardenas by the way did reach out to me, I must say this, called me a couple of times after the brouhaha and did take a meeting with me at CPAC and we’ll see what happens. You know I am not cynical; did he go on a charm offensive and mean nothing? I don’t know. Will he do something about CPAC and have more voices like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan and Ibn Warraq? We’ll see.

Wiles: Is there a connection to the Muslim Brotherhood in all of this stuff going on with CPAC and Grover Norquist?

Geller: I think so via Norquist and Suhail Khan; that I can prove. I’m not saying that about Cardenas because clearly I have no proof and I won’t say things that I don’t know to be true.

Wiles: I understand but with Norquist is there a connection to the Muslim Brotherhood?

Geller: Absolutely. I mean he is very tied in with the Muslim Brotherhood groups here: ICNA, ISNA, CAIR. These groups were named as unindicted co-conspirators in the largest Hamas funding trial in our nation’s history and they were all offshoots of Hamas groups here in America in the ’90s.

Geller even maintained that “the media is aligned with the jihad force” and “self-enforces the Sharia,” agreeing with Wiles’ belief that “the left is foolishly aiding the Islamic infiltration of America.”

Geller: The media is aligned with the jihad force; the media self-enforces the Sharia; they refuse to criticize or offend or insult Islam that is in accordance with the blasphemy laws under the Sharia. Now you may say, ‘Well do you think they are deliberately enforcing the laws of the Sharia? Do you think they are saying I’m going to be Sharia compliant?’ I don’t know what’s in their minds, I would say no, but it doesn’t make a difference to me whether you’re clueless or complicit if the outcome is the same.

Wiles: The left is foolishly aiding the Islamic infiltration of America because the left thinks that if they have this alliance they will break down and destroy the last vestiges of the old America.

Geller: Yes. Look, this is a pattern; it is a leftist pattern to align itself with the totalitarian ideology of the day.