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Gays Have Taken Over the FBI!

Brian Camenker’s organization MassResistance is out with a new “report” arguing that the “homosexual and transgender movements” are using the FBI and CIA to “crack down on pro-family groups and citizens.” He appeared on Crosstalk with host Jim Schneider of VCY America yesterday to warn that efforts by the government agencies to create a more open workplace for their gay and lesbian employees and to engage with the gay community to prevent and prosecute anti-gay hate crimes is part of a pernicious plan that will “do a lot of damage” and harm the Religious Right. Camenker said he is “really scared” of the FBI now that it has become an “out homosexual organization” that is “embracing the gay agenda” by trying to stem the tide of anti-gay hate crimes.

Schneider: Brian, many have been appalled at the annual gay celebrations that President Obama has hosted at the White House and we’ve also seen the State Department hosting these celebrations, this year though we saw the Department of Defense surrender to gay pride events. But your revealing in a release that you sent out today about additional federal agencies that are involved in law enforcement and also surveillance that you have embraced the homosexual and transgender movements, namely that of the FBI and the CIA, Brian it is appalling.

Camenker: It’s unbelievable. The FBI is just unbelievable to see. They have started a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender program on their careers website and they apparently have even gone from there to embracing the gay agenda, having a gay advisory committee, welcoming homosexuals as FBI agents, getting involved with pride events, but more than that going to gay pride events and encouraging homosexual activists to report hate crimes and working with them against pro-family groups. So this is what we’re seeing the FBI doing according to their own writings and according to the writings of the gay newspapers. We have one on our website, one of the gay newspapers in San Francisco, ‘FBI Encourages LGBTs to Report Hate Crimes,’ it is very, very frightening to see. The FBI is very powerful and they can do a lot of damage if they are out to get you.

Camenker: When an individual describes himself as being gay or lesbian, transgender or something, invariably that person is hostile to the pro-family position and is vigorous about pushing the entire agenda. We’ve seen that in the schools, we’ve seen that all over the place. We’re really scared about the FBI being this out homosexual organization.

Even the CIA isn’t safe from the “gay agenda.” “In the old days you thought of the CIA as being this internal spy organization but now what they are doing is they are actually participating in these activities” like gay pride events, lamenting that gays are no longer banned from serving in the agency. “Man, this is really, really, really bad,” Camenker said.

Towards the end of the program, the two decried California’s new law limiting the practice of harmful and discredited sexual orientation conversion therapy on minors. Camenker claimed that the delisting of homosexuality as a mental illness was a result of “an extreme terrorist movement in the medical community” and that indeed such therapy works as “there is a whole world of ex-gays around.” He warned that the California law will be especially bad for “these kids who have been preyed upon by the homosexual movement” and that homosexuality for them should be seen as “just a fad.” Later, Camenker agreed with a caller’s rant against homosexuality and said that it is not a sexual orientation but an “addiction.”

Camenker: Homosexuality and transgenderism and all of these things have traditionally been considered mental illness issues, in fact the transgenderism still is, it was only through an extreme terrorist movement in the medical community that changed that. There are successful groups around the country that work with people with homosexual, same-sex marriage issues, such as JONAH, which is a Jewish group, and Courage and NARTH and others, and there is a whole world of ex-gays around. I know several people who were very, very heavily involved with homosexual lifestyle, left it, have become married with kids and are leading just wonderful lives, and I’ve known kids who were gay activists who changed, who through some kind of therapy or working finally said ‘no I’m not really this at all’ and have left that lifestyle.

You have this whole world of people that have been healed of this and in California, the gay activists there pushed this thing through the legislature to ban that kind of counseling to people who want it if they are under eighteen. Unfortunately, some of the people who really need it are these kids who have been preyed upon by the homosexual movement and believe me I have known kids personally who have been preyed upon and thought they were gay and through the right kind of counseling understood that ‘no, it’s just a fad, I’m not really that way’ and are leading wonderful, productive lives and not even thinking about it, so this is terrible.

Caller: I am sick and tired of homosexuality being called a sexual preference, it’s like saying ‘I don’t prefer you live therefore I have the right to murder you,’ or ‘I don’t prefer you own that car so I’m going to steal it from you,’ it is not a preference it is a deviancy. It’s against nature’s law, it’s against God’s law and for a long time was against the laws of the United States both federally, locally and regionally for states.

Schneider: I appreciate that Doug I believe that was pointed out because what we are hearing so much today is that it’s an orientation and that it is not a lifestyle that is being chosen and that’s why you used the word ‘preference,’ not an ‘orientation,’ in that people are choosing that. Doug, it is a deviation and it totally goes against nature itself, as well.

Camenker: ‘Preference’ is inaccurate; I think the caller is correct. It is a deviation or sort of an addiction, what have you, I think addiction is probably closer to what it is.