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Gary Cass Urges Elected Officials To Defy Government That's 'At War With God'

Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission joined Jerry Newcombe on his “ Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link">Vocal Point” radio program earlier this month to discuss Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who at the time was attempting to bar her entire county office from issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.

Cass wholeheartedly agreed with Davis’ stand, saying that “governors and mayors and higher authorities” should all be following her lead in resisting the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality.

He compared the situation to that of a wife who is under the “authority” of her husband, but should nevertheless disobey him if he asks her to do something “immoral or illegal.”

“It’s just like in the military,” he explained, “if someone gives an unlawful order, you don’t obey it; in the home, if the husband, who has been delegated authority, tells the wife or the children to do something that is immoral or illegal, are the wife and the children supposed to obey that authority? No.”

“And when human authority, whether it be in the home, whether it be in the church, whether it be in the state, when human authority lines up with God’s canons of righteousness and justice, then they are to be obeyed,” he said. “But when they tell you it’s okay to murder innocent, pre-born children, then they are to be disobeyed. When they tell you that you are to marry people who are violating God’s standards regarding marriage, they are to be disobeyed. And this woman in Kentucky is doing what other, if you will, higher magistrates — governors and mayors and higher authorities — should have been doing all along.”

“Thank God for Chief Justice Roy Moore,” Cass added, for refusing to “impose sodomite marriage” in Alabama because “it’s wicked, it’s unjust, it’s not in conformity with God’s law, and on its face, it’s not to be obeyed.”

Cass insisted that governors should stand up and defy the Supreme Court’s rulings in Obergefell v. Hodges and Roe v. Wade.

“She’s doing what every pro-life — so-called pro-life — governor should have done,” he said. “We should just tell the federal government, look, we have abortion laws, and they’re just, according to Scripture, we can’t deprive anybody of their life without due process, these babies are not getting due process, our Constitution is right and biblical in that sense, and therefore we tell the government, leave us alone. The same thing with marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman, no matter what demented rulings come out of the imagination of the Supreme Court.”

“Now is there risk, is there threats, could there be consequences,” he said, “could a tyrant, a tyrannical government bring force even and jail or threats of fines? They can, and Kim is doing what every lesser magistrate ought to be doing against an increasingly tyrannical, statist, secular government that is at war with God.”

Cass falsely claimed that Moore is currently barring clerks in Alabama from issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.