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Gary Cass Seeks Donations For Project To Warn Voters That 'Donald Trump Is Not A Christian'

Back before the 2008 election, Gary Cass and his Christian Anti-Defamation Commission released a series of videos explaining "why Barack Obama is not a Christian."

Today, Cass sent out an email seeking donations to fund another series of videos, this time explaining why Donald Trump is not a Christian. 

Cass is alarmed that Trump is doing well among evangelical voters in the Republican primaries and says that it's very important for him to produce this video series in order to explain to them that "Donald Trump is NOT a Christian" because America cannot afford to "sit by while our faith is commandeered for four more years by another unregenerate 'Christian' president."

Despite his claims, the life, values and words of Donald Trump have yet to show any fruit of a repentant sinner saved by God's grace. His theology, policies and demeanor are often in blatant opposition to the Christian faith. Is Trump really any different from Bill Clinton, who went to church, held up his Bible all while cheating on his wife? ... Let's not sit back and watch as Donald Trump hijacks our faith for his political gain. Our allegiance is to the Kingdom of God, not any particular political party. We need your help to create three powerful videos on why Donald Trump is Not a Christian. Click here to donate today. With your help we can make a difference for the Kingdom of God.

We have witnessed the Obama Administration co-opt our faith over the past seven years, causing incredible moral and spiritual confusion. President Obama claims to be a Christian, but he is the most pro-abortion president in our history. President Obama claims to be a Christian, but he is radically for homosexual marriage. These, along with many other facts about President Obama's theology, make it clear that he's not a Christian by any biblical or historic measure.

If Donald Trump campaigns as a Christian it will bring reproach on the Church because he's clearly ethically compromised by his own words and deeds. In our video campaign we will document Trump's spiritual claims, his moral scandals and his vacillating social and political policies.  Together these show that Trump is clearly not a Christian. After Trump, we will be doing the same on Hillary Clinton's claim to be a Christian.

We can produce and distribute these videos for just $2,500 a piece. Please, help us raise $7,500 by April 1st to fund this vital campaign. If we don't get the truth out about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's fake-Christianity we will continue to see our faith undermined by "Christians" in public office.

Click here to donate today. Let's not sit by while our faith is commandeered for four more years by another unregenerate "Christian" president.