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Gary Cass: 'Homosexuality Mocks God, Confuses Our Children, Corrupts Our Culture' And Damns The Soul

Gary Cass sent out a fundraising email to supporters of his Christian Anti-Defamation Commission today seeking donations so that his organization can continues its fight against the "tyrannical state" which seeks to "force us to comply with unjust laws that promote an anti-Christian agenda."

In particular, Cass warned that "homosexuals are demanding rights that don't exist at the expense of our legitimate, God-given rights" and so he desperately needs donations to fight back against the idea that people are born gay because it "mocks God, confuses our children, corrupts our culture and damns the souls of those who refuse to forsake their sin and follow Christ":

To argue a person is born a homosexual, and therefore has no control over his sexual urges, is a denial of their fundamental humanity.  We live in a world where MAN HAS MORAL AGENCY AND IS ACCOUNTABLE for his actions. Our whole judicial system is predicated on this assumption.

We don't let people get away with theft or murder because they claim to have been born with urges they can't control. There are lots of sexual urges that are contrary to God's will and must not be indulged, including adultery, fornication, rape, incest and a myriad of corrupt things that are too scandalous to be mentioned.

Yet, there is a sense in which we can concede sinful urges are "normal."   We know mankind is fallen in sin and we are all born with sinful impulses. But, we still expect people to obey the laws of nature and the moral law of God, otherwise we could use our fallen natures to justify ANY sinful act.

We all laughed when comedian Flip Wilson would quip, "the Devil made me do it," yet, when homosexuals say, "my genetics made me do it," we are supposed to take them seriously. Mankind is always blame shifting. THE TWISTED "BORN THAT WAY" ARGUMENT ULTIMATELY SHIFTS THE BLAME TO GOD!

Must we allow sinful desires to be expressed even though they are harmful and self-destructive?  As a Christian we say absolutely NOT. Sin has corrupted man's sexual desires and this requires that we repent and submit our sexuality to God.

No one is born a homosexual and to argue that homosexuals have no "choice" in the matter is an emotional argument, not a logical or factual one. Homosexuality is a sad, disordered, unnatural lifestyle completely at odds with the laws of nature and the Bible. The "born this way" myth is just another liberal hoax meant to silence those who oppose their twisted behavior.


The only thing standing between a full-blown, sexually corrupt culture is the Christian church and our commitment to Scripture. Unfortunately the old, liberal mainline protestant churches have been co-opted by homosexuals and are dying. Now new attempts are being made to co-opt the conservative evangelical church.

While we have empathy for people trapped in homosexuality, it's not loving to allow the "born homosexual" lie to go unchallenged. Homosexuality mocks God, confuses our children, corrupts our culture and damns the souls of those who refuse to forsake their sin and follow Christ.