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Gary Cass: Gay Marriage Ruling 'Will Ultimately Be Overturned' By The 'Supreme Court In Heaven'

Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission has weighed in with his thoughts on the Supreme Court decision striking down gay marriage bans, telling anti-gay Christians to take solace in the knowledge that "this ruling will ultimately be overturned" by God.

"Morally, the Bible could not be more clear," Cass said, on his "Defending a Christian Worldview" program over the weekend. "Homosexuality is consistently condemned in the strongest possible terms ... Science proves living a homosexual lifestyle is devastating, medically and psychologically. It's not loving the encourage people to violate God's moral law, especially when the consequences are so destructive.  Now we're sending a morally confused message to our children and grandchildren. God is not pleased."

"The good news," he continued, "is this ruling will ultimately be overturned. The real triune Supreme Court in Heaven has already ruled: marriage is a union of one man and one woman. We can confidently celebrate that which God has ordained because time and eternity are on our side."