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Garrow: 'Your Days Are Numbered Bathhouse Barry' As Guerrilla War Against The Government Is About To Begin

For the last several weeks, Jim Garrow - a fringe right-wing activist claiming to be a former intelligence operative who personally warned the Iranian government that President Regan would nuke Mecca if they did not release the American hostages - has been telling anyone who will listen that President Obama recently attempted to detonate multiple nuclear bombs in America in order to kill hundreds of millions of people all for the benefit of George Soros, but was stopped by God and three members of the US military.

One person who has blindly accepted Garrow's outlandish claims and worked eagerly to promote them is Fox News contributor Erik Rush, who posted a message written by Garrow on his website over the weekend in which Garrow proclaimed that "your days are numbered Bathhouse Barry" because "the guerrilla war that Obama fears" is about to begin:

Patience my friends, patience. As with all the realizations that we have, the immediacy of our perceived need and our need for immediate gratification can blind us to the larger picture and that magic essence called “timing”. We are seeing ever larger groups of people calling down the Marxist in the White House and his oligarchic machinations. We are reading more and more publications who are calling for Obama’s impeachment and removal. We are sensing the almost panicked utterances of a bevy of hapless “spokesmen” for the ruling elite marched in front of the cameras and interpreting for us the “reality” that they want us to see. We call those lies and spin and obfuscation. What is wonderful is that the majority of the public have caught on and are ticked.

Soon the calls to action will start to be louder, more vocal, and as the elites make more and darker moves to ensure that they have guns and might and power that will put us in our place. Then the moment, the event, the trigger mechanism, the final straw, will shine the light of reality on the nations slide into despotism.

The revolution will start and if the people are prepared the guerrilla war that Obama fears will begin. It is a war that he knows he cannot win. His attempt to wipe out the population has already been thwarted, he now must go to Plan B. The new wrinkle is the missing nukes, the military that are running interference, and the obvious “litmus test” of loyalty that he is demanding that is producing a backlash of realization for the military and “We the People”.

Your days are numbered Bathhouse Barry, “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin”, the writing on the wall has returned and you Sir “have been weighed in the balance and been found wanting”. May God grant us His favor as we join forces to take down this tyrant and restore Liberty and Freedom to His people.