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Garrow: Obama Will Have You 'Wiped From The Face Of The Earth'

After arguing that President Obama tried to kill himalong with 90% of Americans — Jim Garrow issued a warning to his followers today that if they do not join his anti-Obama guerrilla war then they will end up as just “a statistic and the memory of you being wiped from the face of the earth.”

Garrow posted on Facebook:

The Dis-information Specialist:

You know that there are manuals that have been produced over the years in the art of strategic messaging and dis-information dissemination. Carefully crafted and step by step how to guides for the third world nations that alphabet agencies of the American government were attempting to destabilize or stabilize depending on America's interest at the time.

And today we are watching the techniques that we developed being used against us as if we are some back water third world dung heap of a nation dependent on someone else for our survival. The someone else in this case are the marxist elites who have never run anything successfully in their lives, unless running a nation into the ground is a measure of success. Amazingly enough the mainstream media - you can tell who they are because they went to those schools of journalism that substitute for marxist indoctrination camps for unsuspecting parents who allow their darlings to destroy their faiths and ultimately their lives there - cheer Obama's every word until its proven beyond doubt that he lied and lied again, in which case they may object quietly and unseen. I just gave it away in that last rather long sentence. Obama is the master of dis-information until someone asks a real question that exposes his fraud and then he sounds like a moron whose teleprompter has malfunctioned, stammering, yammering and lacking a lie ready to hand off to the people. Sad really, but it is the hand that we dealt ourselves.

Some folks have asked me to provide proof for some revelations that I have made. I would suggest that you look at the track record of information that I have shared and with patience you see that it is 100% reliable. Just because you don't necessarily see it at the microwave speed of your impatient demand, doesn't mean it won't "unfold as it should". If you really want me to identify patriots who have put their lives at risk to get me information or have me produce classified documents that could be their source - sorry, prison or suicide are not part of my career plan.

And let me remind you of something important. This is not a game, real lives are being lost or destroyed and our country is on the verge of a well planned and executed collapse. Are you prepared? Are you ready? Or will you just be a statistic and the memory of you being wiped from the face of the earth does not concern you? The day is here when every move you make will determine your survival or demise, we are that close to the edge.

"Choose ye this day whom you will serve".

- Dr. Jim Garrow -