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Garrow: Obama Will Declare Himself The Twelfth Imam, Fake Communication With Aliens

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Jim Garrow appeared on The Truth Is Viral earlier this month to warn that President Obama is “a totalitarian with a tendency to chop off heads” who is ushering in an Islamist-Marxist “overthrow of America.”

In fact, Garrow said, Obama will establish “the workers’ state” but only “after he becomes the Twelfth Imam,” a reference to a belief in Twelver Shiite Islam about the return of the Twelfth Imam.

He doesn’t know what an American is, he doesn’t know how to act like an American, he doesn’t know what to believe as an American, so he doesn’t present as an American, so he has constantly to be coached as to how he should act and what he should say. Otherwise, the totalitarian — that’s what I like to call him by the way. You mix up the Muslim part of him and you throw in the Marxist part of him, what do you got? You got a totalitarian with a tendency to chop off heads. He has no idea how to act but he is dedicated to the overthrow of America. Since the early years as he was taught, America is an evil thing. It is the Great Satan on the Muslim side and on the commie side from his grandparents he was taught that the proletariat would rise up against the bourgeoisie and the workers’ state could be brought to bear in the United States. Of course, that is partly what he’s after, now that’s after he becomes the Twelfth Imam.

Garrow also repeated his claim that Obama will fake communication with aliens in order to shore up his place in history, and that he will make the announcement in Area 51 in Roswell, New Mexico.

The deal that’s been given to Obama, he has been given the assignment, the task, in order to put his place in history, this is going to be the defining moment for Obama that separates him from everybody, there will be an announcement soon that there has been contact on a number of different fronts with a number of different nations from alien life forms and that Mr. Obama has been asked by the collective community of the world, the United Nations included, to be the spokesperson for the world to this alien race. Of course the alien race has also requested that the most powerful nation in the world be represented as the people that they want to talk to. This will fix in time and space the fact that the alien presence is going to be made known to the rest of the world, all over the world at the same time and that Mr. Obama has been chosen to be the one to communicate, to be the communicator.

And I believe the announcement is supposed to be made in Roswell, New Mexico, Area 51.

But he wasn’t done there.

Garrow also said that Obama will begin selling federal land in the US to China in order to settle debts owned by the Chinese.

According to Garrow, China already has 250,000 troops stationed in the US posing as students, businesspeople and tourists who are ready to seize the property.

There are 250,000 Chinese troops in America right now. You can’t tell who they are because they look like students, they look like businesspeople, they look like all sorts of folks, tourists, whatever. There are 250,000 of them in the United States ready to move, to be the boots on the ground to take possession of the natural resources.