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Garrow: Obama Deserves To Be Killed For Treason

Jim Garrow insists that he wants nothing to do with people calling for President Obama to be killed…unless they are calling for Obama to be put to death because he is guilty of treason, in which case Garrow is on board.

Hang Em (read to the end):

If you are foolish enough to put treasonous statements or murderous statements regarding the occupant of the White House, I must notify you that I will defriend you. If you are not aware yet that the NSA, FBI, and a score of alphabet agencies of the Federal government are watching and monitoring your activities, then you need to add "ignorant" to the adjectives that must be used to describe you. To speak of the actions of the President as illegal, unconstitutional, or immoral is to speak the truth within the confines of law and right. To protest his actions and to demand his arrest or his removal for these actions is also to speak withing [sic] the confines of right and law.

The line is crossed when one demands the death of the President, or physical actions that could be seen as assault. Counseling such would be a violation of law. If you speak to issues that you believe to be treasonous or seditious and you describe the punishments set out in law for those breaches of law, then you are within your right and law in those descriptions.

So folks take care to act within law and rights defined in the Constitution. To be outraged and emotional puts you in the same "boat" as myself. But to cross the line into that which is a breach of law necessitates that I distance myself from you. A final thought however. If a person is found guilty of treason or sedition, they should be hung, or shot, or using a new corollary to those methods of punishment approved for capital offenses, beheading (it has been added), then you merely call for justice. In which case and context, I would certainly approve. (emphasis mine)

- Dr. Jim Garrow –

Of course, such claims aren’t new from Garrow, who recently agreed with Erik Rush that Obama should be executed:

Garrow: This call for the removal of the president is highly appropriate; in fact it is appropriate given what the alternative would be. If in fact this man is doing the things that he is being reported to be doing, he needs to be removed, he needs to be in fact tried for treason and of course the finality of that is a man gets either put up against a wall and shot or hung. Treason is not to be stood for — ever — and that’s what we have right now in the White House. Paul [Vallely] isn’t talking about the nuclear side of it but I know they are letting me do that and take bullets.

Rush: Aside from the fact that as I mentioned before you came one, Obama remains the consummate BS artist and actor. Despite all of that, I’m sure that he knows what the alternative is should he fail, should we succeed, should these things come out and be widely known and if he were to be removed I’m sure that he knows that the penalties for such actions that he has taken do fall within those unpleasant realms of execution and all of that unpleasant stuff. I think it is very noteworthy that General Vallely has come out and said that impeachment is not the way to go, he’s talking about making the President’s position so untenable that those in Congress right up to the Speaker and the Senate Minority Leader and all of those folks, action has to be taken and making things essentially not work, they won’t be able to get anything done for all of the political upheaval. He is talking about peaceful demonstrations.

Garrow: He’s also talking about the removal of Mr. Obama and to remove him has all sorts of ramifications and implications. How do you remove him? Frankly, we have sheriffs in the country who by law have the right to arrest people. They’re the guys, if someone was going to go in and arrest the president, it would be probably a sheriff along with military to back him up because you still got the Secret Service, you still got people who are there to protect the President, and they have to be contended with. Whether it would be legal or lawful to do it would be answered after the bullets were fired.