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Garrow: Obama Blew Up Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Jim Garrow took to Facebook over the weekend to allege that President Obama blew up the missing Malaysia Airlines plane as part of his “jihad” against China.

The Story (or distraction)

So let me get this straight. A fly by wire capable jet goes missing. It is on one course, turns and goes in almost the opposite direction on a heading which would take it to the US base at Diego Garcia. The plane has 20 technology nerds aboard who happen to work for China designing "classified" leading edge computer/internet control software and are carrying the matching hardware with them on the plane. They are heading to Beijing with all the others. We are shown pictures of muslim looking men as if they are on the plane....setting up the expectation that the plane has been hijacked. Convenient story line so far.

While we are down the rabbit hole this far, lets [sic] go all the way. The jet lands by wire at Diego Garcia, the appropriate hardware and software is offloaded as are the nerds. Interrogation proceeds and all the "secrets" you would want to gain from this "intervention" are gleaned from the assets.

You now load everyone back on board the plane and have it take off headed back to where it was supposed to go and at 35,000 ft altitude it implodes/explodes and the debris field is now found. How they missed it in the beginning is a mystery. But the western mindset is already prepared to believe that all things eastern and "Malaysian/Indonesian/Muslim" are barely able to tie shoelaces let alone search an ocean.

So what do you think so far? "Am I right or am I right" spoken in the voice of the nerdy insurance salesman "Ned" in Groundhog Day.

America/Obama gets the information that they want, who cares if a bunch of innocent people have to die (Obama -"I am pretty good at killing people.") and more lies per minute have to fly to cover this huge piece of cow manure over.

Welcome to the world of the marxist muslim amateur Obama and his new found friends, the Chinese. Yes, I did say friends. After all he just gave control of the internet to "the world" and just by happenstance his brother Mark, whose partnership with the intelligence community of China I let the world know about in an earlier missive. Betrayal and treason are the mainstays of this America hating fraud in the Oval office. Hows that jihad coming along Barry?

- Dr. Jim Garrow -