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Garrow: Get Out Of US Before Obama Tries To 'Wipe Us Out'

Last week, Jim Garrow returned to the Religious Right talk show The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, where he previously “exposed” an Arab-Chinese-Communist plot against America, to warn that the Obama administration is working on an “attempt to wipe us out” with a new EMP “slaughter.”

Garrow believes that President Obama recently tried to launch an EMP attack on the U.S. but was thwarted by divine intervention.

“Join a militia; I mean it, join a militia,” Garrow insisted. “Have a bug-out bag, be within fifteen minutes of the ability to clear out, have a year of food stashed somewhere, make sure you’re more than four hours’ drive away from a major center if you are going to a bug-out space…. I have a plane ready to roll too.”

We are being treated almost as if we are not to be trusted, we are not worthy; if we don’t share a particular ideology we are not to be listened to at all, in fact we are to be pooh-poohed and denigrated and to some degree it looks as though there’s an attempt to wipe us out.

Join a militia; I mean it, join a militia. When you get in the militia, find out if they’ve got a neighborhood watch kind of a system where they will actually help you if you are under attack by the police or the military who come in. Always remember, it’s overwhelming force that they will attempt to use on you, and the only answer to overwhelming force is overwhelming force, so you need to have that with a militia. A year ago I never would have stated these kind of things but today, if you ask me what I’m doing, all of the above.

Have a bug-out bag, be within fifteen minutes of the ability to clear out, have a year of food stashed somewhere, make sure you’re more than four hours’ drive away from a major center if you are going to a bug-out space. Once everything goes down if it’s an EMP, you’ll need to have that spread of distance to survive, otherwise of course the mass of people who are left after the major slaughter in a big city—those people won’t survive—but the ones that do manage to get out, they are going to be the smart ones, the ones to watch out for, you want to be far enough that ti will take them months to get to you. I also have a plane, I have a plane ready to roll too, it lands on water.