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Garrow: Breitbart's 'Big Mouth' Got Him, Michael Hastings & Tom Clancy All Killed By President Obama

Earlier this year, a right-wing activist named Jim Garrow started claiming that President Obama had instituted a litmus test within the military, requiring leaders to pledge to fire on American civilians if so ordered and purging anyone who refused.

Yesterday, Garrow showed up on Rick Wiles' End Times radio broadcast to claim that for the last forty years, he had been working as an undercover intelligence officer for the US government until he was forced out last month by President Obama for revealing this information.

During the interview, Garrow claimed that everyone in the intelligence community knows that President Obama is bisexual and that he has "little buddies ... brought into the White House even now":

Garrow also revealed that the Obama administration was responsible for the deaths of right-wing blogger Andrew Breitbart, journalist Michael Hastings, and novelist Tom Clancy, all of whom knew that Obama was, in reality, an agent of the Saudi Arabian government.  In fact, Garrow said, it was the fact that Breitbart couldn't keep his mouth shut about it that caused all three of them to be killed:

Wiles: Is it common knowledge among intelligence agencies that Barack Obama is not an American but indeed a foreign agent?

Garrow: Yes. Yes.

Wiles: But do the other agencies know who he works for?

Garrow: Yes. Yeah, they do.

Wiles: And you think that answer is Saudi Arabia?

Garrow: Well, I know that to be true and that's why Breitbart, Hastings, and Tom Clancy are dead.

Wiles: Okay, Breitbart, no doubt in my mind, taken out.  He bragged.  I liked Andrew Brietbart but what he did was incredibly stupid.  He bragged the day before his death that in the morning he was going to reveal shocking information that would stop the Obama campaign.  Mr. Breitbart dropped dead waling home at night and his corpse was blood red.

Garrow: Brighter than that actually.  But the point is that he caused the death of Hastings and Tom Clancy because he had been sharing data with them.

Wiles: There's a connection between Breitbart's death and Hastings and Clancy?

Garrow: All of them, yea.  All of them.  Because of the information that Breitbart gave to Tom Clancy, he was working on a novel that would have exposed Obama as a Saudi agenda, as a Saudi plant in the White House ... He knew exactly who Obama was and he was going to release it in character form in a book .  The character was going to be this President of the United States who was a plant.  It was going to be the real information about Obama was going to come out in the form of a novel.


It's sad, but you know Breitbart and his big mouth, man, he caused all those deaths in the end.

Wiles: Do you think it was arsenic?

Garrow: No, another poison all together. That's why they didn't post the bodies for five days. That's why the guy who took the blood work and knew the poison that had been used on Breitbart, that's why he was killed.

Wiles: On the morning that the autopsy was supposed to be released.

Garrow: You got it.