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Garrow: Anti-Obama 'Coup Is Very Close,' 'It's Time To Revolt'

In an interview last month, Jim Garrow once again called for an anti-Obama coup, saying, “A coup is very close and it should be.”

Garrow, a right-wing activist with a history of fraud who now claims to be a former intelligence operative who left to expose President Obama’s plan to nuke America and communicate with aliens, told Dave Hodges of “The Common Sense Show” that “it’s time to revolt” against the president through guerrilla warfare.

Garrow: It’s time to revolt. Frankly, it is. It is time to overthrow that which is illegal. So we have an interesting scenario: you either accept that this gentleman is in fact eligible to be president or you don’t accept that. You have to make up that for yourself, for your own mind. Is he in fact a legitimate president or is he not a legitimate president? So if he’s illegitimate, you don’t have to obey him. If he’s legitimate, then you must obey. But if he’s usurping the Constitution and the rule of law and acting as if he doesn’t have to obey it himself or that he can go beyond it or crush it, then he is in the wrong position and you don’t have to obey him.

Hodges: He is definitely an imposter, he’s a traitor. He needs to be in jail, not sitting in the beach somewhere out in Hawaii and coming back to the White House. But my fear is that our military, because we’re so dispersed all over the world, we’re not strong enough domestically to stand up to the Russians and Chinese that are here or will be here soon, and then their Canadian allies as well, as well as anybody else that might wear the blue helmet of the UN. So I think we don’t have any choice but to really engage in guerrilla warfare, long-term guerrilla warfare.

Garrow: Yeah, I’m leaning in that direction myself.

Later in the broadcast, Garrow said that a coup against President Obama is in the works and that we could soon be seeing tanks surrounding the White House moving to arrest the president and neutralize the Secret Service.

Garrow is currently organizing a rally, Operation American Spring, which he expects will bring “30 million people” to Washington D.C. in May to demand Obama’s resignation or removal from office through a military coup.

Hodges: If our top military leadership decided that this president is leading us into national suicide, could a coup succeed today?

Garrow: Yes. Would I hope for it? Yes. I most definitely would hope for it.

Hodges: We’d also have to arrest Congress because of what they’ve done with the NDAA, they’re traitors as well.

Garrow: Yes they are, yes they are. We need a fresh installation of people who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law. We need to be rid of the people who are there right now. It’s become an old boys club with entitlements and people are no longer representing the people, they’re representing themselves and their own entitlement.

Hodges: Do you foresee as a person, not someone with inside information, is a coup in our immediate future?

Garrow: Yes. Yes a coup is very close and it should be.

Hodges: What form do you think a coup would take? Would it be like the old movie with Kirk Douglas, “Seven Days in May”?

Garrow: No. I don’t see it being that.

Hodges: Would it be tanks to the White House?

Garrow: It could be, yeah, it could be. It could be just arresting this guy and taking him away.

Hodges: Would you presume the Secret Service would stand down or would they have to be dealt with?

Garrow: They would probably have to be dealt with, yeah.