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Gaffney: Registering More People To Vote Will Mean 'The End America As We Have Known It'

With Republicans openly cheering for a low voter turnout(link is external) and passing laws restricting the right to vote(link is external), it is no surprise that they(link is external) are(link is external) extremely(link is external) upset(link is external) that the Affordable Care Act website asks if the person applying for an insurance plan would like to registered to vote.

The voter registration question is actually mandated by federal law(link is external). “The National Voter Registration Act of 1993, also known as ‘Motor Voter,’ requires public agencies that provide public assistance to offer voter registration opportunities,” Scott Keyes points out(link is external). “Nowhere are citizens told who to vote for, which party to register for, or even that they have to register at all.” 

But Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy said that registering more people to vote is “promoting creeping socialism” and voter fraud. By registering more “low-income voters,” Gaffney warns, “expect a permanent majority demanding government hand-outs—and the end of America as we have known it.”

That’s right, Gaffney thinks it is anti-American and wrong that low-income people might exercise their right to vote.

For some time, it’s been apparent that the Obama presidency is promoting creeping socialism. Obamacare’s intervention in, and substantial takeover of, one-sixth of our economy is a particularly ominous manifestation of the administration’s agenda – and evidence of its progress.

Not content with creeping, though, Team Obama’s socialists have broken into a full gallop. That’s the practical implication of a newly revealed facet of Obamacare: Whatever its other shortcomings and outright failings, the health care registration process is being used effectively to compel Americans to register to vote.

The process lends itself to abuse and fraud. And allies of the President say the goal is to register sixty-eight million, most low-income voters. If successful, expect a permanent majority demanding government hand-outs – and the end of America as we have known it.