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FrontPageMag Claims Labor Secretary Tom Perez 'Supports Islamic Terrorists And The Imposition of Shariah Law In America'

There are very few people the Right loves to hate more than outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, so when Holder announced his intention to retire last week, he left something of a vacuum in the right-wing media’s outrage machine.

Luckily, Labor Secretary Thomas Perez, who is rumored to be on President Obama’s shortlist to succeed Holder, was there to take his place. In fact, some of the attacks on Perez are already outstripping the hatred of Holder, including a piece in FrontPageMag this week that not only calls Perez an “illegal alien enabler” who is “obsessed with race,” but asserts that “Perez sides with America’s enemies in the Global War on Terror” and “apparently supports Islamic terrorists and the imposition of Shariah law in America.”

Blogger Matthew Vadum backs up these claims by citing Perez’s stated concern about Islamaphobia and a congressional hearing at which he claims Perez “pointedly refused to rule out” bringing “Saudi-style anti-blasphemy laws” to the U.S.

At the hearing in question, Perez in fact stated that bans on hate speech are unconstitutional.

Illegal alien enabler Thomas Perez would not be an improvement over Holder, the scandal-plagued left-wing attorney general who has taken the Department of Justice to new lows of corruption and lawlessness. Perez, who previously ran the DoJ’s civil rights branch, would likely be a Holder clone or worse.

Perez sides with America’s enemies in the Global War on Terror. He apparently supports Islamic terrorists and the imposition of Shariah law in America.

Perez seems to favor Saudi-style anti-blasphemy laws. In Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries offenders are condemned to death merely for insulting Islam.

Disturbingly, at a congressional hearing Perez pointedly refused to rule out bringing such laws to America. At a meeting of the House Judiciary Committee’s panel on the Constitution in 2012, Perez would not say whether he would uphold the religious speech protections in the First Amendment in the future.

“Will you tell us … that this administration’s Department of Justice will never entertain or advance a proposal that criminalizes speech against any religion?” Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) asked four times to no avail.

Perez, like so many Obama administration officials, believes that America is a seething hotbed of “Islamophobia,” filled with ignorant racist rubes who irrationally fear the Muslim religion. He has worked with hardcore Islamist groups such as the terrorist-linked Islamic Society of North America and applauded Islamists for lobbying against airline security measures.

Like Holder and Obama, Perez is obsessed with race.

“I wish discrimination were a thing of the past,” Perez said in 2012 when he headed the DoJ’s Civil Rights Division. “I wish we were living in post-racial America. I wish my phone were not ringing. But regrettably, it’s ringing off the hook in the voting context. It’s ringing off the hook in the hate crimes context and in so many other contexts.”

During his time at DoJ, members of the Civil Rights Division conspired with ACORN-affiliated Project Vote to weaken electoral integrity-related law enforcement. Voter ID laws, in his twisted view, are racist, calculated to deprive people of color of their voting rights.

He has targeted Maricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio for legal harassment because he doesn’t like Arpaio’s tough-on-crime approach, especially with respect to illegal aliens.