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FRC's Prayer Targets: Lame Duck Congress, Stem Cell Research, and Elections

I think that I am just going to start regularly posting the Family Research Council's suggested prayers that it sends out regularly to its "Prayer Team" because it provides a good insight into just what the FRC considers its key priorities at any given moment.

The most recent update contains prayers aimed at the Values Voter Summit:

Pray that God will mightily bless; that next weekend's VVS will have a life-changing impact on attendees and a nation-changing impact on America.

As well as the stem-cell research lawsuit:

Praise God for strict constructionist judges like Royce Lamberth and this ruling to protect human life. Pray that God would raise up more men and women to serve as judges who will "Hear the disputes between your brothers and judge fairly [and not] show partiality in judging for judgment belongs to God."

And even recommnds prayers to prevent Democrats from passing any legislation during a "Lame Duck Congress":

May God move American citizens to refuse any effort to force unwelcome legislation upon them by Congressmen who have been voted out of office. May God grant the minority leadership wisdom to prevail against any such effort

Most interestingly, FRC also asks activists to pray for the success of the Pray and ACT effort:

May this and other prayer efforts be used to move once-passive Christians to become informed active, praying citizens who will make a difference.

And, going a step further, offers a guide to "Combined Prayers for Revival and Elections " [PDF]:

Pray for all Americans to take their vote seriously. Pray they will understand that God holds them directly responsible for the stances of those they elect.

Pray for quality people to decide to run for public office. Pray for wisdom, effectiveness and power in the campaigns and decisions of those you feel (personally) led to support. Pray for strong funding and support.

Pray for God’s guidance and empowerment in campaign ads, interviews and public debates. Pray that the press and media will be accurate, thorough and unbiased with all candidates.

Pray that all believers will do their civic duty by seriously seeking God and turning out to vote in strong numbers. Pray that voter fraud will be exposed and prevented in both parties.

Pray for all Americans to recognize the profound, lasting implication of major elections. Pray for voters to have the wisdom to see through political rhetoric and clearly understand truth. Pray for evil to be exposed and integrity to be revealed. Pray that all voters will clearly see the good and evil of the various beliefs and philosophies in either party.

Pray for a mighty resurgence of Americans who will honor God and stand boldly for absolute moral truths and historic American principles. Pray that a great majority will awaken to wrong directions and bad leaders in either party.

Pray that God’s Spirit will miraculously over-shadow voting booths across America. Pray that voters will hear and follow God’s guidance, not political parties or human reasoning.

Pray for God to raise up a standard against evil and restrain the forces of moral and spiritual evil. Pray for God to send forth a mighty wave of truth and understanding.

Pray for sweeping revival in the Church and spiritual awakening across America and the world. Pray for an explosion of purity and revival in Christ’s Church. Pray for a sweeping evangelistic harvest around the earth. Pray for Jesus to come quickly.