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FRC Spox Proposes Constitutional Amendment To Ban Recognition Of Gender Reassignment

Family Research Council spokesmen Peter Sprigg and Craig James of the Family Research Council have an innovative new plan to promote limited government: pass a constitutional amendment regulating gender identity!

On Monday’s edition of “Washington Watch,” James explained how transgender rights issues will likely be the next issue that the Religious Right will have to “combat in this war that we’re on with the LGBT community.”

“I think the ideal policy for government with respect to [trans rights] is that your sex is your biological sex,” Sprigg said. “My view is, that if your biological sex is unambiguous at birth -- if your internal sex organs, your external genitalia, and your chromosomal makeup all are unequivocal in declaring you to be of one sex – then that is your sex for life, and that is your only sexual identity that the government will recognize.”

He continued on to lament how state and local governments have capitulated to the interests of transgender advocates instead of imposing more stringent legal definitions of gender. “Unfortunately, we never codified [these distinctions]. And I think a lot of states just kind of through erosion, through response to pressure from the transgender movement, have gotten to the point where they, first of all, recognize sex changes in terms of people’s identity documents…But now, they’re going further and actually punishing people who also don’t affirm this myth, this fiction, that people can change their sex.”

James even suggested that conservatives might have to consider launching a movement to pass a constitutional amendment regulating gender identity, asking Sprigg, “Might Congress — might there be a need for us to have a constitutional movement, an amendment, to identify a person’s sex: it is what you are at birth?”