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FRC: Pray To Defeat Marriage Equality, Anti-Bullying Initiatives

The Family Research Council has released new prayer targets, and the group is urging activists to pray to stop the New York state legislature from passing a marriage equality bill. The FRC insisted that activists should not only support opponents of marriage equality, but also pray that those who “seek to shred the fabric of our nation’s moral order be defeated in the next election!”

In addition, the group denounced a new effort by Health and Human Services chief Kathleen Sebelius that fights bullying and anti-gay discrimination. In a recent speech, Sebelius said that Cabinet departments were working together “to create ways to decrease bullying and to establish programs and ideas to aid victims” and said that her department will work to create “a health care system that understands the unique needs of LGBT adults and youth.” FRC, a leading opponent of anti-bullying policies which protect LGBT youth, called on activists to pray against “government efforts to promote harmful and sinful sexual practices among our youth and instead determine to stand courageously against these misguided efforts which can only lead to God's judgment!”

Next Tuesday, June 14 at Noon, Christian leaders from many denominations and non-denominations will meet on the steps of New York City Hall to rebut Mayor Bloomberg's call for same-sex "marriage." New York City Bishop Joseph Mattera says, if taken today, the bill would fail by 3-4 votes. But Mayor Bloomberg is using his bully pulpit as a bludgeon to influence legislators (see City Action Coalition, Bloomberg, Cuomo).

• May God give courage to New York's pro-marriage Senators. May they handily defeat this effort to overturn the natural order in this state and our nation. May God's New Yorkers arise to pray and stand! May the members of New York's legislature who blindly or intentionally seek to shred the fabric of our nation's moral order be defeated in the next election! (Ps 11:3; Eze 33:1-9; Mt 7:15; Rom 1:32; Eph 6:10-18; 1 Th 5:21-22)

Secretary Sebelius also announced creation of a new federal interagency taskforce to partner the Departments of HHS, Education, Agriculture, Defense, Interior and Justice to develop strategies and programs to fight bullying. She said the new national health law will make health care workers "culturally competent" to deal with LGBT patients and that HHS is working with the federal child welfare system to "place LGBT children in loving homes." Homosexual activist and Department of Education appointee Kevin Jennings served as moderator of the event. The U.S. Department of Education sponsored the summit. Take time to read the Christian Post coverage (see Christian Post).

• May God help us to not to "bully" anyone, but to graciously yet urgently speak the truth in love to young people who are hurting themselves with the "LGBT" lifestyle. May believers across America not be "bullied" by our government's efforts to promote harmful and sinful sexual practices among our youth and instead determine to stand courageously against these misguided efforts which can only lead to God's judgment! (Pr 28:4-5; Mt 5:44-45; 18:6; Acts 5:28-29; Eph 5:1-13)