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Frank Gaffney Labels Muslim Candidates ‘Sharia Supremacists’

Frank Gaffney also spoke at the 2017 Voters Value Summit. (Photo: Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

Anti-Muslim activist Frank Gaffney devoted his “Secure Freedom Minute” radio feature today to smearing Muslim Americans who are running for office this year.

In the spot, Gaffney says “Islam’s totalitarian Sharia code is wholly incompatible with the U.S. Constitution,” an idea that has been promoted in various forms by a number of Religious Right leaders, including former U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins and Jerry Boykin, and the American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer.

Gaffney runs the Center for Security Policy, which hosted a panel during the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference at which panelists discussed how to get Muslim immigrants and “fake refugees” to leave the U.S. During that discussion, Gaffney warned about Muslims running for office this year:

“Mark my words, you are going to see to a degree that is unprecedented in this nation’s history at least, the power of unassimilated, Sharia-supremacist dominated, political forces, not just in Minnesota but in Michigan and a number of other states around the country,” Gaffney said.

In today’s spot, which is being promoted by his public relations firm, Gaffney says:

Some ninety Muslim candidates are campaigning this fall for various offices at the federal, state and local levels. Their faith, of course, is no bar to their running.

But most, if not virtually all, of them are Sharia-supremacists – or, at a minimum, they’re currying support from those who are.

For example, the Democratic nominee for a Michigan congressional seat, Rashida Tlaib, was a featured speaker last weekend before the nation’s largest Muslim Brotherhood front, the Islamic Society of North America.  Another regular at such Sharia-supremacists’ events is Rep. Keith Ellison, who is running for Minnesota’s Attorney General.

Islam’s totalitarian Sharia code is wholly incompatible with the U.S. Constitution, which elected officials swear an oath to uphold and defend.  Voters are entitled to know how candidates will fulfill that duty when it conflicts with their own, or their supporters’, attachment to Sharia.