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Frank Amedia: Paula White 'Is the Billy Graham Inside the White House at This Moment'

Frank Amedia, the tsunami-stopping and ant-reviving pastor who founded the POTUS Shield prayer effort to wage spiritual warfare on behalf of President Donald Trump, told Charisma Magazine's Stephen Strang that he was very excited by the news that prosperity gospel preacher Paula White has taken an official position with the Trump administration.

"I think it's significant in showing this president's resolve to walk on the light side," Ameiai said during a recent episode of Strang's podcast. "This statement comes from the seat of government. Our God honors sovereignty and he honors the words of the king. "

"For [Trump] to put her in that position," Amedia added, "to have the boldness to say, 'I'm going to put my pastor in a directorship position of faith right in the White House and I'm not going to be concerned about the political crocodiles' ... She is the Billy Graham inside the White House at this moment and we need to stand with her, we need to pray for her."

"To have a woman of God seated in the White House in a high position, sitting there which is called the throne of this country, I believe this is, to me, very significant that there's been a humbling before God," he said.

White has long been a key spiritual adviser to Trump who believes that she makes the White House “holy ground” simply by her presence: