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Frank Amedia Credits POTUS Shield With Stopping The Austin Bomber

During a recent appearance on "The Jim Bakker Show,' tsunami-stopping and ant-reviving pastor Frank Amedia credited his POTUS Shield organization for stopping the string of deadly bombings that terrorized Austin, Texas, last month.

Recounting how he had been called by God on election night in 2016 to establish a "prophetic order" over the United States to protect President Trump, Amedia claimed that while his effort has been repeatedly attacked by "one of the most difficult Soros groups," even that group has had to admit that "POTUS Shield is the most amazing, inexplicable prophetic move that they have ever seen in Christianity in all the years they have been covering it, that has an impact on the nation."

While Amedia refused to name this group because he didn't "want to glorify them," it was pretty obvious that he was talking about us here at Right Wing Watch, despite the fact that we have clearly never praised POTUS Shield in the way he claimed.

"We are scaring the bejesus out of the left side, which we enjoy," Amedia said. "God has really just put us in a place where, when we come together—which we do across the nation—we prophesy and the things come true. The Lord shows it to us collectively, we speak it out—just last night here, Herman [Martir] was led before we started and he asked the Lord and we agreed with him that this bomber [in Austin] would be caught quickly and would not kill one more person. And, within hours, he was gone."