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Former General Turned Conservative Activist Calls For Citizen's Arrest Of Obama

Paul Vallely, a former general who now works as a conservative activist and Fox News analyst, suggested in a recent interview that President Obama should face citizen’s arrest for his supposedly treasonous crimes.

After suggesting that the country hold a “national recall” election, which he admitted has no basis in the constitution, Vallely urged people “get off our derrieres” and protest the government in the millions: “If we’ve got to march in the state capitals, if we’ve got to march in Washington with one hundred million people, then that’s what we need to do.”

He even called for a citizens’ arrest against the President and administration officials: “I would say if we can make citizens’ arrest, I challenge our government that if we have people that are conducting treason against the United States and the best interests of our country, violating the Constitution, violating our laws, just as they are doing with these excessive executive orders that are coming out of the White House where you have a President and his team that doesn’t care about the Constitution.”

Back in November, Vallely endorsed a Tea Party rally in Washington D.C. calling for Obama’s overthrow, although it didn’t exactly draw one hundred million people. Vallely has also published several columns that accuse Obama of treason.

“They will do anything they can to win, they will do anything, they will go for the throat and that’s what we have to do because we’re in battle to save the United States, so we have options out there and we have to pursue all of those options to take the country back.”

Vallely said he that an Egyptian-style uprising against Obama is needed instead of impeachment: “I would use the Egyptian model where they had 33 million Egyptians stand up to oust Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. We need millions to stand up in our state capitals and in Washington D.C. and we need to have that done within the next twelve months because I can tell you , my forecast, things are going to get far worse than better, especially with Obamacare and the other things that are happening to degrade the effectiveness of our federal government.”