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For Conservatives, Boycotts Are Noble Efforts When They Support Them, Otherwise It's 'Economic Terrorism'

It was only two years ago that conservative activists were irate that gay rights supporters dared to boycott Chick-fil-A because of donations to anti-gay groups.

Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel, for example, said he was outraged by liberals “intimidating” the restaurant chain, and described a similar pressure campaign against the Charity Give Back Group, which was also making contributions to anti-gay political organizations, as “economic terrorism” and proof that gay rights advocates “want to see us behind bars.”

Today, the same Matt Barber called for a boycott of Target over the company’s public support for marriage equality:

Target is filing legal briefs in court cases intended to win marriage rights for homosexuals and lesbians. Matt Barber, Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action and Founder of, tells OneNewsNow it's a slap in the face to millions of pro-family customers who support true marriage between one man and one woman.

“It is just poor business,” he says. “Target, just like other corporations across the country, should at least remain neutral in this ongoing culture war. And at best, they should be endorsing the age old institution of natural marriage, which is the cornerstone to any healthy society.”

He says it's time for the public to speak up with a strong and united voice.

“I hope people will go into Target stores across the country and tell them that they are no longer going to buy products there because Target has joined in the attack on the institution of natural marriage,” he says. “They need to let it be known that they will take their business elsewhere and tell why they are doing so. That's what individuals can do about this.”

In fact, Barber’s boycott hypocrisy was already well established, as he and his group have previously backed boycotts and pressure campaigns against McDonalds, Starbucks, Lowe’s, Pay Pal, and companies that say “Happy Holidays.”

The National Organization for Marriage, which led boycotts against Starbucks and General Mills, yesterday launched a Boycott Target campaign.

The American Decency Association is also backing the Target boycott and urging supporters to cut up their Target credit cards:

Besides not shopping at Target, here a couple of other suggested actions to take:

- If you have a Target credit card, cut it up and return it to the company, or send copies of past receipts, with a note expressing your displeasure at the company’s choosing to align with the LGBT agenda instead of remaining neutral on this issue.

- If you know of a family member planning a wedding or expecting a baby, urge them not to use Target’s bridal and baby registry.

The group directs members to email the Minnesota-based company the following message:

For years Target has worked hard to provide quality products at a reasonable price. You have treated your employees and your customers well. Yet with Target’s recent decision to choose sides in the divisive cultural debate over homosexual marriage, you have put your focus on politics over products.

In 2012 Target affirmed its neutral position on this issue as a Target spokesperson stated: “We recognize that there is a broad range of strongly held views on the Minnesota Marriage amendment.”

I am one that holds to the definition of marriage that has stood for all time – the union of one man and one woman. Millions of others share my beliefs. In fact, A 2013 Star Tribune Minnesota poll revealed that Minnesotans were virtually split on this issue with 46 percent in support and 44 percent opposed, with 10 percent undecided.

Yet Target has chosen to offend half of the population in Minnesota, as well as the populations in other states where the opposition to homosexual marriage is often even higher!

I simply cannot support a company that blatantly undermines my values. Unless Target returns to a position of neutrality regarding this issue, you have lost me as a customer - and I will encourage my friends and family to also shop elsewhere. I strongly urge you to stick to selling quality products, instead of taking sides in promoting a divisive ideology.

I look forward to your response.