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Florida Family Association Flies Anti-Gay Ad Over Lady Gaga Concert

Yesterday, the Florida Family Association hired a plane to fly above a Lady Gaga concert in Tacoma, WA with a banner reading “NOT BORN THIS WAY.” “How would you feel if your child or grandchild went to a concert where unbeknownst to you they were convinced to embrace a homosexual or transgender lifestyle for a lifetime?” the FFA told members when asking for contributions to run additional advertisements. “The fact that someone these kids do not know spent significant resources to fly a plan to tell them they are NOT born that way will prayerfully speak to their souls,” read the appeal for donations.

The virulently anti-gay group went on to say that “homosexual males target adolescent males” through a combination of child abuse and “unscientific, emotionally charged propaganda.”

Florida Family Association hires aircraft to fly “NOT Born this way” banner over Lady Gaga’s Born Brave Bus for several hours before January 14, 2013 concert at Tacoma Dome.

How would you feel if your child or grandchild went to a concert where unbeknownst to you they were convinced to embrace a homosexual or transgender lifestyle for a lifetime? You can help counter Lady Gaga’s concert campaign to persuade kids to accept the homosexual lifestyle.

You can help counter Lady Gaga’s concert campaign to persuade kids to accept the homosexual lifestyle.

Florida Family Association hires aircraft to fly “NOT Born this way” banner over Lady Gaga’s Born Brave Bus for several hours before January 14, 2013 concert at Tacoma Dome.

Florida Family Association has hired a plane to pull a banner around the Tacoma Dome parking lot from 1 PM until sunset. The banner will simply state: NOT Born this way.

The fact that someone these kids do not know spent significant resources to fly a plan to tell them they are NOT born that way will prayerfully speak to their souls. Florida Family Association would like to fly more banners to counter Gaga’s hedonistic, Godless message at more concerts. You can click here to see the schedule It will cost $1,900 to fly this banner for four hours before sunset. The goal is not to fly banners at every concert but at enough concerts to make a difference.

All of these studies indicate that homosexual males target adolescent males at a rate that is disproportional to the population by 2200% (1.5% of the population which is homosexual accounts for 33% of homosexual abuse cases.)

Thousands of kids who might have otherwise worked through their pubescent sexual identity issues will be inspired to accept the wrong choice based upon this unscientific, emotionally charged propaganda. What’s brave or kind about telling thousands of sexually frustrated teens that they were Born This Way when a high percentage of them would have ended up taking the straight heterosexual path for life?