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Flip Benham to Organize Charlotte Protests against the DNC's 'Culture of Death'

Operation Save America’s Flip Benham reacted to the Colorado shooting last week by claiming the suspect was “the spawn of the ideology of the Democratic Party.” Today, Benham announced that he will lead a protest of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte next month because when “the devil throws a party, like this Democratic party it is imperative that the church show up.” He added that the shootings in Aurora, Columbine and Virginia Teach “are harbingers of the ‘Culture of Death’ that will be invading the streets of Charlotte” and the city must prepare “to raise up a standard in preparation for the DNC’s invasion.”

Blood is coursing down the streets of America -- Aurora Colorado, Columbine High School, Virginia Tech and we are still looking at each other in awkward bewilderment and wondering -- why? These killings are harbingers of the "Culture of Death" that will be invading the streets of Charlotte this Sept 3-6.

We have expelled God from school, banished Him from the schoolyard, and have replaced Him with drugs, gangs, condoms, rape and violence of unprecedented order. When the fear of God is removed from the hearts of our children violence always fills the void.

This is the agenda of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Operation Save America will hold a press conference at 400 S Tryon. When the devil throws a party, like this Democratic party it is imperative that the church show up.

Operation Save America is bringing King Jesus to the Queen City, Charlotte, to raise up a standard in preparation for the DNC's invasion. Jesus is The Standard!