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Fischer Defends Bachmann By Saying Liberals Are Just "Reminding Us Of The Clear Connection Between Homosexuality And Pedophilia"

Bryan Fischer weighs in on Michele Bachmann's "John Wayne" gaffe(link is external) ... by claiming(link is external) that all the Left is doing by mocking her is "reminding us of the clear connection between homosexuality and pedophilia":

They are going out of their way to remind us of John Wayne Gacy, who was a homicidal homosexual pedophile who raped and murdered 33 boys and young men, most of whom he buried in the crawl space of his house. The rest he dumped off a bridge into the Des Plaines River.

So liberals, by going out of their way to snarkily remind us of John Wayne Gacy, are inadvertently reminding us of the clear connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, which isn’t the smartest thing they’ve ever done.

Homosexuals comprise less than three percent of the population, but are responsible for fully a third of all instances of pedophilia. A study of 229 convicted child molesters in Archives of Sexual Behavior revealed that 86% of the offenders against males self-identified as homosexual or bisexual. Eighty-six percent!

Bottom line: homosexual or bisexual men are about 10 times more likely to molest children than heterosexual men. Big “Whoops!” for the libs on this one. And they’ve got no one but themselves to blame.