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'First They Came For The Rich': Michael Savage Predicts Bernie Sanders Will Start Killing Americans

Yesterday, conservative talk radio host Michael Savage voiced his rage over Pope Francis’ upcoming visit to the U.S.-Mexico border and the growing popularity of Bernie Sanders.

Savage called for Francis to be “deported if he arrives in America again,” while insisting that “the pope should be sitting in jail for his crimes against children worldwide.”

Savage, who has frequently railed against the man he calls “Lenin’s pope,” said that the Catholic Church — along with Sanders and Hillary Clinton — is bringing a communist revolution to America.

He then put his own spin on Martin Niemöller’s Holocaust-era poem, “First they came for the socialists…”: “First they came for the rich, but you were not rich and you did not stand up for the rich; then they came for the middle class, but you didn’t stand up for the middle class because you were not even of the middle class; and then when they started to come up for the poor there was no one else to stand up for you because everyone else was taken out.”

Then Savage said that Sanders intends to use state-sponsored violence in order to finish the communist takeover of America that President Obama started.

“Obama is pure evil,” he said. “But he’s nothing compared to what Bernie Sanders would do.” Savage predicted that Sanders would impose “naked communism in this country” and “use the street gangs that burned down Baltimore, the street gangs that burned down Ferguson, they will use them as government enforcers as sure as I’m sitting here, they will deputize them, they’ll give them green uniforms and they’ll be used to intimidate the middle class as sure as I’m sitting here.”

He went on to warn that the government has already started its communist killing spree:

Isn’t it odd that Russia has now come to America? Not even the Russia of today but the Russia of yesterday has come to America. Isn’t it odd that it would be a street radical from New York, Bernie Sanders, one of the most dangerous men in political history — oh, I know, ‘He’s a simple old man and he’s not dangerous,’ you are wrong. Watch his snaky eyes when he speaks. He’s extremely smart. Bernie is very smart. Bernie is also a streetfighter. Bernie will fight for what he believes in. In that sense, he is a true revolutionary. And if you want to see friends dragged away by the secret police — my friends, you say it can’t happen here, I’m telling you it is happening here.

You say, ‘What are you talking about? That could never happen here, we have a media that would never permit that to happen.’ Well it just happened two weeks ago in Oregon. They shot a man dead in Oregon, the thugs from the federal government — or was it the Oregon state police? — killed a man who was protesting on federal land and no one in the media covered it. You say it can’t happen here, it is happening here. It is happening here, little by little by little. Police are being shot like bowling pins throughout the country by you know who, do I have to spell it out for you?

Savage added that people who attempt to kill police officers “have been empowered by Al Sharpton and the White House.”