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Right-Wing Pastor Hank Kunneman Fearmongers About Democrats Hurting Children Ahead of Midterms

Right-wing pastor Hank Kunneman delivered an impassioned sermon Sunday to the congregation at his Lord of Hosts church in Nebraska in which he railed against the Democratic Party just weeks before the midterm elections.

Kunneman is a self-proclaimed "prophet" who repeatedly guaranteed that former President Donald Trump would win reelection in 2020 and has petulantly refused to apologize for his false prophesy, instead promising that God will reward those who stand with him while attacking those who have dared to criticize him. Despite his myriad false prophecies, Kunneman has retained a loyal following and appears regularly on at religious-right events and on evangelical television networks, such as Daystar and The Victory Channel.

In his capacity as pastor and "prophet," Kunneman regularly uses his church services to attack President Joe Biden and the Democrats, and he did so again on Sunday. Relying a passage from 2 Kings about a siege that caused a famine in the region of Samaria that forced people to eat "a donkey's head" and even their own children, Kunneman drew a parallel between the biblical famine and "the donkey party's" political agenda.

"Too many people are eating the donkey party's agenda," Kunneman fumed. "They're eating liberalism. They're eating woke. They're eating [Black Lives Matter]. They're eating absolute that there's many genders. They're eating that traditional marriage is not the way of true marriage. And it's been the liberal donkey party that has been absolutely propagating the stupid lies that people are eating!"

"The donkey party of the non-religious affiliation, the anti-Christian movement, the anti-true God movement," he continued. "Now they've gone after the children, and you can have some dude dressed up in a wig and call themselves a woman and read to your children. Hell no! Not in my school and not to my kid. I don't want no pervert, and I don't want no pedophile in my school, reading to my kids, and I don't want their curriculum."

Kunneman then lashed out at churches that refuse to get involved in politics.

"How many more kids are going to have to be boiled, eaten, because you won't do anything, pastor, you won't do anything, Christian, because you don't want to get involved in politics?" he asked. "So, you think the perverts are going to reform America? You think the donkey and the RINOS are going to reform America? You think the media is the voice of truth and that God's prophets are lying to the people? Look at the answer for the donkey agenda that people are eating; the state of the church has been reduced to dung, the exploiting and the attacks against our children. What's the answer? Oh, 2 Kings 7:1—a prophet arises."

Kunneman's sermon is just one of the recent attacks on trans people. The right-wing has made a strategic political move to fearmonger about trans people and the safety of children in an attempt to drive their base to the polls this fall.

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