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Farah Wants "Sharia-Friendly," "Pro-Perversion" Norquist Out Of The Conservative Movement

WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah today declared that it’s “time to dump Grover Norquist” and kick him out of the conservative movement, adding his name to other right-wing activists like Frank Gaffney, Pamela Geller, Don Feder, Tom McClusky and Erick Erickson who want to give Norquist the boot. Farah said that Norquist’s “decision to bless GOProud,” the gay conservative group which has Norquist on its Advisory Council, shows that he is “unashamedly pro-perversion.” In addition, Farah said that Norquist, who helped found the Islamic Free Market Institute, is “shockingly pro-Islamist and has used his well-developed connections in Washington to spread the tentacles of stealthy jihad through the corridors of power, including the White House.”

Farah ended his column by calling on the American Conservative Union and the National Rifle Association to force Norquist off their boards and to “dump him as the economic guru of the conservative movement and Republican Party”:

I say this not only because of his decidedly Shariah-friendly activities and associations.

I say it not only because of his decision to bless GOProud, a faux conservative group promoting the homosexual agenda to Republicans.

I also say it because Norquist represents all that is wrong with the so-called "economic conservatives" in our midst – a group that turns out to be not so conservative on economics once you scratch beneath the surface of what they are saying and doing.

Grover Norquist is not a conservative true believer. He may have been at one time. But he is no longer – that's for certain. Maybe, like other politicians, he's just been around Washington too long. Here's the scorecard you should consider:

• He's shockingly pro-Islamist and has used his well-developed connections in Washington to spread the tentacles of stealthy jihad through the corridors of power, including the White House.

• He's is unashamedly pro-perversion, given his position on the advisory board of GOProud.

• And he is a phony economic conservative who helped mislead tea-party Republicans in control of the House of Representatives this year giving Obama all the money he needed to keep destroying the free-enterprise system through the end of his term.

What am I missing here?

It's time to dump Grover Norquist – dump him from the ACU board, dump him from the NRA board and dump him as the economic guru of the conservative movement and Republican Party.