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Farah Disparages GOProud and Warns that Obama Made U.S. "Global Sex Cop"

WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has for years been waging a war against the gay conservative group GOProud, and attacking the American Conservative Union for allowing GOProud to participate in its annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). But this year, under new leadership, the ACU has decided to kick GOProud out of CPAC and has instead invited Religious Right luminaries and past CPAC-boycotters Mike Huckabee and Tony Perkins to address the summit. GOProud also finds itself in hot water after allegedly outing over Twitter a pollster for Rick Perry’s campaign in response to a controversial ad maligning gay soldiers. Conservative smear artist Andrew Breitbart quit GOProud’s advisory board in response to the outing, leading Farah to gloat, “I told you so.”

In an editorial today, Farah slams GOProud by tying the group to President Obama and his administration’s LGBT rights directive. “It was the political left that birthed the homosexual agenda by asserting what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms was a private matter – only to make it everyone's business,” Farah writes. “Now, under Barack Obama, the U.S. federal government is to become a global sex cop and make LGBT status as a preferential designation for immigrants into the country.” He goes on to say that supporting gay rights is incompatible with the conservative movement and calls GOProud “an enemy of conservatism inside the gates”:

I hate to say, "I told you so."

Andrew Breitbart is learning the hard way what it means to be a "conservative."

And it doesn't mean promoting a political organization that seeks to redefine a 6,000-year-old moral code or one that defines itself by its members' own peculiar sexual practices.

Any person or group seeking to topple the Judeo-Christian moral code and glorify sin, which is exactly what GOProud is all about, can never be considered "conservative," or the term loses all meaning. It is the political left that separates people by sex, by race, by ethnicity, by social standing, by income and through a thousand other classifications in an effort to divide and conquer in the name of greater state control.

It was the political left that birthed the homosexual agenda by asserting what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms was a private matter – only to make it everyone's business. Now, under Barack Obama, the U.S. federal government is to become a global sex cop and make LGBT status as a preferential designation for immigrants into the country.

I have no doubt these policies will please the extremists at GOProud. Any group or individual who supports same-sex marriage, hate-crimes laws and radical social engineering in our military can never be considered "conservative."

Will Ann Coulter, who sits on that same GOProud advisory board, finally get a clue?

Will Grover Norquist, who sits on that same advisory board, have an epiphany now?

Will the rest of the conservative movement finally comprehend what these people are doing?

It's time to recognize what GOProud truly is – an enemy of conservatism inside the gates, the well-funded, well-heeled, perpetrators of a "homo con," a term the group affectionately uses for its own fabulous confabs.