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Far-Right Pundit: Leelah Alcorn's Death Proves LGBT Advocates Are 'Satan's Little Soldiers'

Renew America pundit Louie Verrecchio reacted to the death of 17-year-old transgender girl Leelah Alcorn today by lashing out at LGBT rights supporters as “nothing more than Satan’s little soldiers.”

Verrecchio, who refused to use Alcorn’s name and preferred gender pronoun, said that her parents deserve “admiration” for rejecting her transgender identity, which was cited in Alcorn’s suicide note.

He wrote that Alcorn was “mentally-ill” and a “victim of the LGBT war” on truth.

Predictably, the LGBT lobby and their friends in the media and elsewhere, having once successfully spun the drug-related murder of meth addicted dope dealer Matthew Shepard into a cause célèbre for the gay rights movement, are now attempting to make of Joshua Alcorn a poster boy for the so-called "transgender" cause.

Likewise predictable is the shameless behavior of professional homo-agitators, like Dan Savage, who have embarked full throttle on a campaign to vilify his grieving parents; people who may very well deserve, in addition to our sympathy, our admiration.

According to Savage, Joshua Alcorn's parents "threw her [sic] in front of that truck. They should be ashamed – but 1st they need to be shamed. Charges should be brought ... Child abuse. Neglect. Reckless endangerment. Manslaughter."

Their real crime?

Failing to consent to their mentally-ill teenaged son's desire to have his penis surgically removed, and worse still, being self-identified followers of Christ.

While no one knows every detail concerning Joshua Alcorn's upbringing, this much is certain; this confused child is just one more in a growing number of victims of the LGBT war on anything and everything that even hints at the existence of objective truth, in particular, as it concerns human sexuality.

Writing in his suicide note, Joshua Alcorn pled, "My death needs to mean something," and indeed it does:

It means that LGBT activism has never really been about authentic compassion for those who suffer with what mental health professionals call "same sex attraction" and "body dysmorphic disorder."

At its most basic, the objective toward which the movement labors extends no further than attempting to legitimize a claim of absolute personal autonomy in determining what constitutes morally acceptable behavior.

In other words, even if only in ignorance, the LGBT warriors of the world are truly nothing more than Satan's little soldiers; revelers in a cause founded squarely upon the greatest lie ever told; namely, that humankind, apart from the Creator, shall be as gods, "knowing good and evil."