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Far-Right Pundit: Gay Marriage Will Lead To Civil War

Last week, Matt Barber said that a Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage would spark a revolution and today, his website BarbWire published a column from Timothy Buchanan similarly predicting that “it would be difficult to see how the wrong decision here will not result in a second American civil war.”

“A ruling by the Supreme Court to overturn bans on same-sex ‘marriage’ that have been properly enacted by the states will be correctly viewed by Christians as an openly belligerent affront to religious liberty, the consequences of which, may be dire,” Buchanan writes. “This case could well be the fuse that ignites the powder keg of outrage that leads the nation into the first battle of a new war. Our future as a nation and indeed, whether we have one, may well depend upon how the Supreme Court decides this case.”

He warns that “Homo-fascists” are seeking “the abolition of religious freedom in America” in order to destroy “those of us who oppose their dangerous and deadly desires.” They will also, he warns, destroy the family unit, leading to violent outbursts like those in Baltimore and Ferguson, which he says were evidence of “the destruction that results from a breakdown in families.”

The Homo-fascists and the Lawless Left have long distorted the central issue, claiming entitlement of a fundamental civil right to seize the status and benefits of marriage. But that’s a gross distortion of the truth.

This case is actually far more serious. There is real potential for the abolition of religious freedom in America. The godless are now attempting to use specious and obscure claims of a Constitutional right-to-do-evil as a bludgeon to smash to dust, the religious freedom of those of us who oppose their dangerous and deadly desires.

There is no right that is being denied to homosexuals and lesbians that requires the invocation of the 14th Amendment. It’s important to remember that what we have here is people who have chosen to be identified by their own depraved behavior, and not by any immutable characteristic.

Moreover, this tiny minority of 2-5% of the U.S. population cannot be permitted to reorder our society according to a corrupt worldview not shared by the rest.

While the reports we read and hear from the media are incomplete and often distorted, there exist some important arguments that seem to have been overlooked. Procreation is not the central or even most important reason that marriage must remain as it has, and to suggest such puts the entire case on a precarious footing.

The safe and healthy upbringing of children into productive and responsible adults is far more important than simple procreation, and, as one who comes from a family that was ripped apart by divorce, it’s one I know all too well.

If children are permitted to be adopted by same-sex couples, generations of brokenness, confusion, misery and sexual abuse will be the certain result. The recent violent events in Baltimore and Ferguson are a screaming witness to the destruction that results from a breakdown in families. Can America afford the family’s total dissolution?

The nobility of the marriage of a man to a woman is a natural, moral and religious truth that has served mankind well for the ages that humans have been walking on the earth. To pollute it at this time in our history would be no less foolish than a man pulling down the roof of his house upon his own head.

Because the United States is so deeply divided over moral and legal fundamentals, it would be difficult to see how the wrong decision here will not result in a second American civil war. A ruling by the Supreme Court to overturn bans on same-sex “marriage” that have been properly enacted by the states will be correctly viewed by Christians as an openly belligerent affront to religious liberty, the consequences of which, may be dire.

This case could well be the fuse that ignites the powder keg of outrage that leads the nation into the first battle of a new war. Our future as a nation and indeed, whether we have one, may well depend upon how the Supreme Court decides this case.

It would be utter foolishness for the Homo-fascists, the Lawless Left and their media mouthpieces to mistake the kindness and peacefulness of the Right as submission or weakness. May God’s will prevail in the United States Supreme Court.