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Family Security Matters Suggests Outlawing Islam In US

A post last week on the website Family Security Matters — which was founded by Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy and counts a Center official as a member of its board — suggested that the U.S. “tailor the language of Section 2 of the Communist Control Act of 1954” to read that “the organization known as Islam shall be outlawed in the United States."

Via Mitchell Blatt, Family Security Matters contributing editor Paul Hollrah writes:

Islam is not a religion, as we understand the term. Rather it is a complete political, judicial, economic, military, and cultural system, masquerading as a religion. Its adherents refuse to assimilate into host country cultures, insisting that they be allowed to exist as an independent entity, not subject to the laws of their host nations. In order to accomplish their ends, they regularly preach the overthrow of their host governments, by violence if necessary.

Accordingly, we must resolve that, "What is sauce for the (Communist) goose is sauce for the (Islamic) gander." In order to neutralize Islam's cultural institutions within our country, we must do as I have previously suggested: We must tailor the language of Section 2 of the Communist Control Act of 1954... a law that has not been struck down by the Supreme Court and which is still on the books... to read as follows:

"The American people are determined to eliminate from their midst organizations which, purporting to be ‘religious,' in the accepted sense of that term, are conspirators dedicated to the destruction of our form of government by force and violence...

"The Congress hereby finds and declares that Islam, although purportedly a religious sect, is in fact an instrumentality of a foreign conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States. It constitutes an authoritarian dictatorship within a republic, demanding for itself the rights and privileges accorded to individuals of other religious denominations, but denying to all others the freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution...

"As a segment of the U.S. population, Islam is relatively small, numerically, and gives scant indication of its capacity ever to attain its ends by lawful means. The peril inherent in the existence of Islam arises not from its numbers, but from its failure to acknowledge any limitation as to the nature of its activities, and its dedication to the proposition that the present system of government of the United States ultimately must be brought to ruin by any available means, including resort to force and violence. Holding that doctrine, its role as the agency of a hostile foreign power renders its existence a clear and present danger to the security of the United States. It is the means whereby individuals are seduced into the service of Islam, trained to do its bidding, and directed and controlled in the conspiratorial performance of their revolutionary services. Therefore, the organization known as Islam shall be outlawed in the United States."

With that statute on the books we can make it very uncomfortable for radical Islamists. We can make their presence in our country so unpleasant that they will long for a return to whatever hellhole they and their predecessors crawled out of. With eyes and ears planted in every mosque and every Muslim cultural center in America, radical Imams such as the late Anwar al-Awlaki could be readily identified.