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Exposing "Unholy Conspiracies" and "Evil Advisors" With Election-Oriented Prayer

Yesterday we were noting that there are at least six different right-wing 40-day prayer efforts under way that are aimed specifically at seeing Republicans elected during the mid-term elections.

Among the various efforts is one being led by Cindy Jacobs and Generals International and today her United States Reformation Prayer Network sent out an email containing a "prayer guide for the next 5 days of our fast, which focuses on the governmental mountain" with this purpose of disrupting the "evil advisors" and breaking the "unholy conspiracies" that are controlling our government and removing them from office. 

In addition, Jacobs offers specific prayers for the victories in Colorado's personhood amendment, California's marijuana initiative and that God will "open the blind eyes of the supporters of the DADT repeal to stop this detrimental measure in its tracks": 

In Jesus' Name, we ask that You raise up those that will yield their heart to righteousness in government matters, that they would be bold and courageous and willing to obey Your word. We pray that they would act fairly, humanely and with insight in the execution of their duties. Grant them Your wisdom, favor and abundant grace as they take a stand in the political courts of men's opinions inwardly acknowledging it was you who called them. Disrupt the counsel of evil advisors and surround our leaders with Godly counsel. Expose the snares of those who would present themselves one way but whose hearts intent is to seduce the people to drink from the waters of deception. Let the upright dwell in our government; let men and women blameless and complete in Your sight remain in positions of authority. God, break unholy conspiracies and let the wicked be cut off from our government and the treacherous uprooted from our land.


As we prepare ourselves to cast our vote, show us which ones would advance and uphold policies based upon Biblical standards of righteousness. Give us ears to hear and discern by Your spirit the truth as we listen when issues are being debated at town hall meetings, organized forums and media presentations throughout the nation. As we vote we ask that our decision would reflect our cry to see our nation come into alignment with righteousness such that those who have dishonored the voice of Your word and Your ways would be removed. Father, we thank You that fervent, united prayer and action can and will powerfully affect this election and the nation!


· Pray for the passing of the Kansas Constitutional Amendment 62 to uphold and preserve their right to bears arms (On Kansas Ballot for November 2)

· Pray that the California Marijuana Legalization Initiative (Prop 19), allowing the possession, cultivation or transport of marijuana for personal use, would NOT pass (On California Ballot for November 2 mid-term election)

· Pray for the passing of Colorado Fetal Personhood, Amendment 62, to apply the term 'person' as used in those provisions of the Colorado Constitution relating to inalienable rights, equality of justice and due process of law, to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being. (On Colorado Ballot for November 2 mid-term election)

· Pray that a "lame-duck" congress would not succeed in their attempts to force through any unrighteous legislation (DADT, embryonic stem cell research, another massive stimulus package, cap and trade bill, etc.) ...

· Pray for the safety of our military-in Afghanistan and elsewhere, and concerning the attempts to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, thereby allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military, and requiring military hospitals at home and abroad to perform abortions ... May God open the blind eyes of the supporters of the DADT repeal to stop this detrimental measure in its tracks.