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Ex-Gay Activists: Gays Oppressing Ex-Gays Just As Nazis Persecuted Jews

Three speakers at August’s pitiful Ex-Gay Pride rally recently appeared on a podcast, Deeper Waters, to explain how ex-gays in America like themselves are just like the Jews living under Nazi Germany. Deeper Waters hosted PFOX’s Greg Quinlan, Douglas McIntyre of Homosexuals Anonymous and Grace Harley, who says she is ex-transgender.

“The Lord brought to me the Jewish Holocaust in my prayer time and it brought tears to my eyes, because He said, ‘as the Jewish people were being victimized, demonized, demonized to the point that all the Germans and all the people started believing and accepting it, guess what folks? That’s happening here in America,” Harley said, with Quinlan in agreement. “Ex-gay people like myself — we are being so demonized and hated and this is your God they’re hating.”

“Jesus did not walk into one voting booth and pull the lever for the current administration,” Harley exclaimed.

Later in the program, McIntyre also compared the plight of ex-gays to that of Jews under Nazism: “I took a tour of the Holocaust Museum and I went through the early years and looked at exactly the same techniques of lying, suppression and propaganda were exercised there as are being played out today, almost word for word.”

Quinlan likened the impact of the gay rights movement, which he described as demonic, to the wreckage of a tornado hitting a town. “We have lost our country,” he lamented.

“We have something they will never have, we have a victorious Christ, all they have is a defeated Devil,” Quinlan said. “We can win this but we have to take back our culture.” 

Harley claimed that many gay people who are “determined to go to Hell with their father, they are literally determined to go with Satan, and realize there are a lot of homosexuals that are in the occult.”

Moments later, Harvey said that Obama has “homosexual orientation tendencies,” proving that we are in the Last Days: “The spirit will not dwell with us too much longer because we truly are in the End Times. Any time you have the head of a country with homosexual orientation tendencies, and I say that because Jesus said, ‘if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery,’ if you have the heart of the homosexual in your heart and your mind then you are without even committing the act, you are there. We have countries, or America—it’s devastating what’s going on.”