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Every Right Wing Activst In America Demands Porn Meeting With AG Holder

Alliance Defense Fund President has sent a letter [PDF] to Attorney General Eric Holder requesting a meeting to discuss how to Obama Administration plans "to fight illegal, obscene pornography on a national level":

Since the advent of the Internet, illegal pornography has flooded homes, businesses, public libraries, and even schools. The results have been devastating to America. Pornography addiction is now common among men, women, and even many children. Children are creating cell phone child pornography, in a new trend called, "sexting." Pornography use is now a significant factor in divorce. Hotels. motels, cable and satellite companies, and other businesses are making tremendous profits by offering illegal, obscene pornography. America is becoming a "pornified culture," as author and Time magazine writer Pamela Paul has stated.

We are compelled to write to you and ask for an expansion of the Administration's efforts against the scourge of pornography. To discuss this issue further, we respectfully request to meet with you at the earliest opportunity.

This isn't really that much of a surprise as fighting pornography has always been one of the Religious Right's pet issues and one on which they regularly faulted the Bush Administration for failing to adequately pursue.

In fact, the only reason I am even mentioning this particular letter is because it has been signed by seemingly every Religious Right activst in the country.  ADF reports that it secured the signatures of "nearly 400 other pro-family advocates [from] across the nation" and while the letter itself runs about a page, it is followed by thirteen pages of signatures and has been joined by dozens of well known figures like Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer, Tom Minnery, Rod Parsley, Don Wildmon, Wendy Wright, Jan LaRue, Mat Staver, Kelly Shackelford, Matt Barber, and Peter LaBarbera, it has also been signed by hundreds of local leaders as well as dozens of attorneys and people who just seem to be concerned citizens.

I realize that they are trying to demonstrate that the Religious Right really cares about this issue, but doesn't this seem to be a bit of overkill?