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Even Glenn Beck Thinks Cruz's VP Pick Was A 'Desperate' Move

Ted Cruz's announcement yesterday that he would name Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential running mate despite the fact that he is trailing badly in the Republican presidential primary race was widely seen as a desperate move to boost his struggling campaign.

And since Glenn Beck has transformed his daily radio program into little more than an arm of Cruz's presidential operation, it was entirely predictable that he would kick off today's program by conducting a softball interview with Fiorina, which he introduced by admitting that the campaign's unusual move was indeed an act of desperation ... "because Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina are desperate to save the Constitution."

"They are desperate to save the economy. Desperate to create jobs. And so am I," Beck said. "They are desperate to stop the crucifixion of Christians by ISIS. And so am I. I think you are, too ... They are desperate. Indeed, they are. They are desperate to make sure that our children aren't spied on and listened to. They are desperate to make sure that the IRS isn’t used as a weapon anymore."

"And if you're not desperate," Beck concluded, pointing directly into the camera, "then you're not in the real world. If you're not desperate, then they have no chance of winning. But if you believe this is our last call, if you believe we are in deep trouble, you're damn right you're desperate. You should be desperate."