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Eugene Delgaudio: Gays Will Make It Legal To 'Rape And Murder Young Boys'

In a rambling email today for his Religious Right group Public Advocate of the United States, Virginia GOP politician and anti-Cory "Brooker" activist Eugene Delgaudio writes that he sees “agents of the radical Homosexual Lobby everywhere…huddled in dark corners scheming and plotting” and “drooling for more in the new Congress.”

What do they want? According to Delgaudio, gay activists want to create “a nation where police are forced by gay ‘rights’ laws to allow sexual predators like ‘Uncle Ed’ Savitz and Jeffrey Dahmer to rape and murder young boys in the streets.”

“These people admit that they want to molest our children,” he writes. “They admit that they want complete control over the national law enforcement apparatus. They admit that they’re deviants.”

He also warns that gay rights advocates will enact “pro-homosexual hiring quotas in workplaces” in order to allow “homosexuals to run rampant over our country.” 

Delgaudio adds that while other conservative leaders “want to quit,” which he says would “be like surrounding after Pearl Harbor,” he is going to fight to thwart the gay rights movement despite the ill effects on his personal wellbeing: “My health is suffering under the strain of fighting the radical Homosexual Lobby with limited help. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep and I am sick with worry.” 

Delgaudio also compares himself to Jesus: “And just as Jesus showed us by example and could not have stood back and done nothing at the Temple, I couldn't stand back and do nothing in the face of the growing power of the radical Homosexual Agenda.”

HT: RWW reader Erik.

Despite gutting the Defense of Marriage Act and repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the radical Homosexual Lobby is drooling for more in the new Congress.

So along with a new Congress, they have adopted new tactics.

I see well-known agents of the radical Homosexual Lobby everywhere. They are huddled in dark corners scheming and plotting. They meet secretly with newly elected members of Congress in hopes of tempting them to advance their perverse agenda with campaign cash and the promise of votes.

It is our duty as decent God-believing adults to fight against the tyranny and immorality of the radical Homosexual Lobby. But many good Christian supporters aren't coming through.

It seems a lot of people believe all our problems are hopeless because the last election left Obama and pro-homosexual cohorts in charge of the White House and Senate. And many pro-Family leaders are compromising or just plain worn out, and they want to quit.

I cannot believe it! That'd be like surrendering after Pearl Harbor!

My health is suffering under the strain of fighting the radical Homosexual Lobby with limited help. I can't eat, I can't sleep and I am sick with worry.

Many nights I stay up and worry -- worry about my family, worry about Public Advocate's future, worry about the future of the American Family and morality.

I'm expected to expand programs to stop liberals in Congress from allowing homosexuals to run rampant over our country...

The Gay Bill of Special Rights is at the top of the agenda for pro-homosexual congressmen this year.

If this immoral bill passes, it will mean pro-homosexual hiring quotas in workplaces throughout the nation. It will also make it nearly impossible for employers to deal with unsatisfactory employees who are radical homosexuals.

These people admit that they want to molest our children. They admit that they want special rights that no American has. They admit that they want to infiltrate and weaken our military's moral fiber. They admit that they want complete control over the national law enforcement apparatus. They admit that they're deviants.

And just as Jesus showed us by example and could not have stood back and done nothing at the Temple, I couldn't stand back and do nothing in the face of the growing power of the radical Homosexual Agenda.

I worry that America is turning into a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

What kind of country teaches its children that prayer is wrong and that homosexuality is just another "lifestyle?"

What kind of country funds homosexual child/adult pornography but arrests teachers who dare to bring Bibles into their classrooms?

And what kind of country funnels millions of dollars of tax money into the coffers of the Homosexual Pornography Lobby? …

I won't allow my children to grow up in a nation where police are forced by gay "rights" laws to allow sexual predators like "Uncle Ed" Savitz and Jeffrey Dahmer to rape and murder young boys in the streets...

And I won't stand by while pro-homosexual school teachers expose our children to "gay" filth and call it "AIDS education."