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Erik Rush: Obama Wants Billions To Die To Curb The World Population

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush berated President Obama today as “the commander in chief of ISIS,” alleging that he “created, armed, trained and funded ISIS” and that his policies “have set America up quite nicely for a major terrorist attack.”

“Americans will die, and despite his feigned outrage after the fact, it will have been due to the deliberate intention of Barack Hussein Obama,” he wrote.

According to Rush, Obama has a “proclivity for treason and crimes against humanity” and is part of “a much broader agenda” that wants to see “our planet’s human population cut by three-fourths — even overnight.”

This week, our treasonous war-criminal president flitted off to France to discuss climate change – an issue that homeless, jobless and dispossessed Americans care so much about – with a bunch of other world leaders. As if it weren’t bad enough that climate change is a counterfeit issue that exists only so Western governments might more effectively enslave taxpayers and business economically.

Perhaps to defray any discussion of his failure to dispatch ISIS (which of course he has no intention of doing), Obama said that the meeting in Paris to discuss climate change was some sort of brave and audacious “act of defiance” in the face of ISIS, given its recent attack on that city.

It isn’t the first time the administration has proffered the notion that there’s some mysterious interplay between terrorism and completely unrelated factors. One may recall the inane blatherings of State Department spokesidiots Jen Psaki and Marie Harf, who have floated ideas such as poverty causing terrorism, and that if the climate wasn’t so screwy, the world’s Muslims might not go feral en masse and kill people.

All this is leaving aside the fact that the treasonous war-criminal president in question created, armed, trained and funded ISIS – or ISIL, Islamic State, Daesh, the Keystone Kamels, or whatever appellation they’re using this month to reference the barbarians. Now, strategically displaced Muslims and strategically placed terrorists are forming a chaotic, angry wave from east to west – a wave that is cresting in Europe and, if Obama gets his way, will break upon America.

The world knows all of this, by the way; here, I am referencing the incontrovertible body of evidence that Barack Obama is effectively the commander in chief of ISIS, and arguably a better one than he is of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Our treasonous war-criminal president’s policies have set America up quite nicely for a major terrorist attack, perhaps of a much wider scope than the recent attacks in Paris. These include everything from a refusal to even rhetorically associate Islamic terrorism with Muslims, to the nationwide Syrian refugee drop, to the clandestine importation of Muslims from destabilized nations in the Middle East and Africa, to an absolute refusal to effectively monitor who comes and goes in this country.

Americans will die, and despite his feigned outrage after the fact, it will have been due to the deliberate intention of Barack Hussein Obama.

In October of 2013, the White House took down its online visitor logs, blaming a partial government shutdown that had temporarily idled 17 percent of the federal workforce. The fact is that astute individuals in the alternative press and other patriotic Americans had begun widely discussing the Rogue’s Gallery of America-hating scum that paid visits to the White House on a regular basis, some with dizzying frequency.

Obama simply wanted to stop that flow of information.

A nation like ours does not go from respecting personal liberties and the rule of law to “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone” overnight. Are there really so many ethically compromised individuals in our government that there is no hope for any among them finally deciding to exercise the rule of law and remove this tyrant? Are they just cowards, willing to let Obama touch off World War III rather than risk the Black Lives Matter crowd setting America ablaze for “taking down” our precious first black president on account of his proclivity for treason and crimes against humanity?

Or are they, as some suspect, party to a much broader agenda, perhaps one rooted in the belief that our planet’s human population cut by three-fourths – even overnight – would be much better for everyone going forward?