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Erik Rush: Obama Using Kaci Hickox To 'Facilitate An Ebola Epidemic In The United States'

Following up on his last column suggesting that Obama administration officials “want Ebola to spread in the United States” in order to declare martial law, WorldNetDaily’s Erik Rush writes today in his column, Does White House Want An Ebola Epidemic In U.S.?,” that the quarantine fight surrounding nurse Kaci Hickox is part of President Obama’s plan to “facilitate an Ebola epidemic in the United States.”

Rush writes that Hickox, whom he calls a “diva” with “a history of left-wing activism,” defied a quarantine upon returning to the U.S. in order to do her part in an Obama administration conspiracy to undermine quarantine policies in hopes of spreading the virus: “It is no great intellectual leap in considering the timing of Hickox’s quarantine (and subsequent public meltdown), the ‘omission’ of her ties to the CDC and her penchant for left-wing causes to arrive at the conclusion that this stunt just might have been an elaborate White House PR contrivance to foment opposition to Ebola quarantine efforts.”

As a precautionary measure, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie ordered health-care workers coming in from West Africa to undergo a 21-day quarantine upon their arrival in those states. Several other states followed suit.

In an almost uncanny twist, and right on the heels of the quarantine orders, along comes Kaci Hickox, a nurse who had just finished treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone. Last Friday, she flew into Newark Liberty Airport in New Jersey and was promptly quarantined.

Just as promptly, Hickox lawyered up and began screaming to the press and anyone else who would listen that the government was putting her through “emotional and physical stress” and that her “basic human rights” were being violated. In the ensuing firestorm – and after direct pressure from the White House – governors Cuomo and Christie folded like a crappy hand of cards; Hickox was released, and both states agreed to re-evaluate their quarantine policy.

One would think that Kaci Hickox, a health-care professional who had seen the devastation wrought by Ebola, and who understood the risks, would have considered it her civic duty to take one for Team America and sit out the quarantine. I mean, it isn’t like they were sending her to Gitmo. Instead, she chooses to re-define the term “diva” and raise as much hell as possible.

Well, there was a method to Ms. Hickox’s madness – and it lay in the fact that she just happened to be in the employ of the CDC.

Yes, you can pick your jaw up off the floor now, and as humorist Dave Barry was known to say: I am absolutely not making this up. Though efforts were made to scrub the evidence of Kaci Hickox’s affiliation with the CDC from online sources, enough remained to definitively determine that she was not only an employee of the CDC, but a registered Democrat and Obama supporter with a history of left-wing activism.

Earlier this year, Hickox featured prominently in the 63rd Annual Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Conference, a CDC symposium on infectious diseases. Thus, it is no great intellectual leap in considering the timing of Hickox’s quarantine (and subsequent public meltdown), the “omission” of her ties to the CDC and her penchant for left-wing causes to arrive at the conclusion that this stunt just might have been an elaborate White House PR contrivance to foment opposition to Ebola quarantine efforts.

If the administration’s imperative for maintaining unfettered access on the part of potential Ebola carriers to this country isn’t perplexing enough: A State Department memo leaked to Fox News this week suggests that the Obama administration has been considering allowing non-American Ebola patients into the U.S. for treatment. This was confirmed by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., who told Fox News that his office had received “information from within the administration” that such plans were being developed.

Are they insane? the reader may ask.

Under other circumstances, I might answer in the affirmative – or at least entertain the possibility that administration officials had taken leave of their senses. Considering the character of this administration, I feel quite comfortable maintaining that this administration – the same one whose principals’ beliefs are rooted in the philosophy of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro, the same one whose actions have led to the deaths of tens of thousands in the Middle East and Africa, the same one that has targeted and persecuted political opponents, spied on private citizens, funded and trained terrorists and left America open to attack via their immigration, visa and border policies – might well intend to facilitate an Ebola epidemic in the United States.

How large they might wish it to get and how it plays into their sick endgame specifically is difficult to say, but with this bunch, history dictates that it’s better to err on the side of the diabolical.